I just read this now, so sorry I missed it earlier.
I don't appreciate Perls as a man, but I appreciate Gestalt therapy which he started. One of the concepts that I DO believe in is the I-Thou. REAL contact is made between 2 people when they can touch each other (in which way, take your pick, emotional, intellectual, physical, sexual) AND AT THE SAME TIME
feel and know their self
while they hear and feel the other.
That may be what you mean by differentiation. In my own personal experience, because I was so aware of that natural human desire for contact, ESPECIALLY when I was so in love, AND BECAUSE my partner is a N and contact was always frustrated because he would not, could not get past the I-ness to the thou-ness (I was merely thing-ness, or it-ness) I became confluent, trying to push through his boundary in order to touch him and maybe be touched by him finally in a meaningful, genuine, authentic way I could believe in.
It never happened.
The contact-starvation created contact-obsession, and so the vicious cycle started. He never saw my Thou, and after enough time, my own I started becoming blurred.
It most certainly is a dance macabre after awhile.
I don't know how that plays out between a Nparent and child. I imagine it becomes a horror movie after awhile.
I don't know how partners can become strategic and ruthlessly protective of their own selves and boundaries in order to remain in relationships with N's while maintaining their safety at all costs. It seems from the outside, from someone like me who would have most likely failed if I even knew enough to try, like just too damn much work, and with no hope at all for the kind of intimacy and real "knowing" I want so much from at LEAST ONE romantic relationship in my life.
This might need to be its own different thread topic, but my one undying desire (I dare not think of it as a fantasy) in this life, is to be known, REALLY KNOWN by one other person in this world, who loves me, and in the knowing not only of what makes me beautiful and smart and talented and strong and sparkling -- but also what makes me weak, moody, needy, ugly* and flawed, STILL LOVES AND ACCEPTS ME! That there is someone with whom I can reveal the whole of me and still be loved.
While I know I loved my exN that way, and it's what kept me with him for 7 years despite how painful it was, I know now without a doubt, he was incapable of knowing me, and while I could love him till the cows came home, I couldn't do that and run perpetually on empty. Not when I want so badly to have that kind of intimacy and love go both ways.
There is a deep desire in me to give, and give generously where my heart is concerned, but it can't be with anyone anymore who takes without giving mutually.