Hi all,
I think I've just figured out why I'm so sour-tempered tonight.
A very long-term friend, whom I counted on to always "be there" has just more or less dumped me.
She's been moderately abusive in the past, and I've always been placating and conciliatory.
This time, I set a boundary (she wanted me to confront another friend with something she didn't like about her, and I refused)...and held to it. So...she began backing off and today told me she wasn't enjoying our (20-year) friendship any more.
I have supported her to my own exhaustion at times, and to have her detach now, with all that's going on with my mother, brother, and job...was just a ... tough thing. It may be good. It may be wise. But I think I was feeling angry about that and dumped it on the board tonight.
Not in a constructive way.
I apologize. I'm truly sorry.