I know that this may get me in "hot water" with some people ,but this is my opinion..We are all different ----different needs ,desires,places in our healing.
When I hear Axa talk about the "good old days' on the board, what *I* saw was a more "surface " type of interaction where "we", the board members were "all" good and the big ,bad N" was all bad. We spent quite a bit of time patting ourselves on the back at how we survived in spite of OR escaped the N.
I don't see it in such "black and white" terms", if you will forgive my characterization. There IS a reason that we were with the N(except parents) . the reason is that WE are sick, either from N parents or making poor choices to chose an N(or usually both)
I* was frustrated BEFORE!
IF there are fights, they lead to some sort of resolution(IMO). Often people learn a great deal. Tell me one 3D place that would not be the SAME.
Heaven would be it(IMO), not a group in 3 D.I am open for tomatoes(LOL) Ami
PS IMO, how s/one functions on the board mirrors how they function in 3D. So, I think that the board offers us a way to learn and mature and, thus, have our 3D life be more functional.
I think that it is a wasted opportunity for s/one to leave the board and think that it was the board which was the problem. There ARE very irritating and downright mean people on the board,BUT they are right outside your door ,too. The key is to learn to function with them ,in a way, that you can retain your integrity and NOT be abused, at the same time(IMO)
Also, it has never failed that friends will appear ,out of nowhere, to help me,just when I need it.