Well, I left Friday for the coast to work that job. Remember, he said he would do anything to keep our relationship together and if that means give me space then he would do it. Well, last night he and my 15 year old daughter spoke on the phone while we were eating dinner. He was asking her how she was liking it down on the coast (I think he did not believe I was going down there to work and was drilling my daughter, whom I took with me. I don't even know if he believed me, when I initially told him I was taking her with me, so he could've been confirming that.) Then this morning at 7:30 am, he wakes me up by calling. I did not answer, he leaves me a message asking if I was "sleeping" with my client? He stated that he heard all kinds of things and that possibly we were seeing each other. WELL THAT IS CRAP AS I HAVE BEEN TOTALLY FAITHFUL TO THAT MAN AND STILL FAITHFUL. Anyways, I call him back (probably a mistake) and asked him what the heck he was talking about??? He proceeds to tell me. I again confirm that I am not seeing anyone! He then asks me if I am going on a trip (remember over spring break I am heading to the Dominican Republic) well, I had not told him this yet. So, I find out that he had been in my email (he has always had the password, I just forgot about it). He saw my itinerary for my trip. I told him yes, I was. He then drills me about am I going to meet someone, I again tell him NO, I am going by myself. Once we get all this past us, he then says, well I am sorry for invading your space but I just needed to know answers. We then hang up and of course he says, "love you."
Later in the morning, he text me and asking about the Harley Davidson I liked. (He has always known I wanted a Harley very badly). I didn't know why but I later found out thru my daughter that he went and applied for a loan for a Harley Davidson. I am always told that he has no money and that is why he and I can never do anything together. I thought where did that come from???? Then my daughter asks him if she could spend spring break with him, I thought I was going to ring her neck as I can't seem to make her understand what I am trying to do. He says yes, and now he is planning on taking his boys along with my daughter over spring break. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? What is he up to?? Now, here I am feeling bad about leaving for the Dominican Republic to get my head on straight as he is the "great father" and plans a trip with the kids, including mine. HE HAS NEVER DONE THIS IN THE PAST. I was the one who planned all the trips and most of the time, PAID FOR THEM AS WELL.
I just don't get what he is up too. I wonder if in his mind, he thinks he is really doing a great thing. But in the meantime, I feel like a bad, selfish parent. Maybe he is thinking he will start proving to me that he can be a better parent, spending time with them etc. I just don't know, I am trying to make sense of all of this.
OH, one more thing.....he asked me about counseling. He stated that he wants to start seeing a therapist as he has issues that he knows he needs help with. I about fell out today when he said that. He stated that on two occasions recently he has woke up from his sleep crying. He said he is "balling like a baby" but doesn't understand why. He just wakes up like that from his sleep. He doesn't remember dreaming. He is now wondering what is wrong with him and SAYS he really want to do that counseling.
So, now that I have filled everyone in........I need help figuring out this man and what he is up to.
I am so confused and emotionally distraught, I can't stand it!