Hi Phoenix,
I noticed you were back a few days ago...

Welcome back sweet sweet Phoenix. I remember when you had to leave the last time..sounds like you had a little bit of peace though. But the grief continues with your N dad! Sheesh, some days you think it'll never end! I sure understand that!
Legal battles with the family..why..that's just what i've been through! For the past two years. You've gathered already from answering my other post that there has been a reckoning and reconciliation between me and my immediate family. Layers of stuff has been peeled off, but essentially this is what happened.
My ex-wife up and left all of a sudden, she couldn't take anymore because........(?...big question mark) There are things I was unaware of which I have become aware of with the benefit of hindsight. Although my ex-wife was very nice to me turns out that no one liked her in my family or in the immediate viscinity..that I didn't know. However, no one will ever convince me that she was a terrible person..she had problems of her own..I could go on in detail but this has become unnecessary because I understand now at a deep and personal level that our relationship was not healthy.
I did and do maintain much respect for her: a celebrated professional rider, literate, creative but with very deep rooted personal problems with which I could no longer live.
Also..( i'm just bringing you up to date here..!) and as weird as this might appear to you, my parents thought she was working me to death..I was working a lot, ( haven't taken a vacation..a real one in almost ten years..) and spoke to her about that and her attitude toward "us" was unacceptable to them! Imagine!
Phoenix, elderly Ns get these ideas inside their heads and they act on them. My N parents, for all intents and purposes, facilitated the rupture between my ex wife and me. It was wrong of them to intrude like this, and I was very loyal to her 'til the end..but then she left. There's more but I can't go there right now.
The point i'm getting to is this. My N adoptive Parents had an agenda, most of which only they were privvy to. They had a life plan for MY life! Of course this is wrong..wrong wrong wrong..but that is the way they operate, they can't see the wrongness in what they've done because they are unreachable. There was no way that " that woman" was going to see one penny of THEIR money..ever! They did not like her VOICE, they did not grant her PERSONHOOD and , believe it or not they were determined to rescue ME (

) from such a demon. That's the long and short of it really...a weird twisted nightmare.
You will remember how we had a lawyer.. a very good one..a very very good one..and they had a very good one as well..a very good litigation lawyer, who said all the nasty and horrible stuff you would expect a very good litigation lawyer to say. They also had tons of money to throw at this case, we didn't....it takes an awful lot of money to authenticate what you can already prove by just saying it! By this I mean, forensic audits, which are thousands of dollars per hour..we didn't have the money to get one of those. They were accusing us therefore the onus was on us to prove everything but we didn't have the dollars to do that. WE had the documents, but didn't have the money. Perhaps in your case, since you are the plaintiff, your dad would have a whole lot of stuff to prove which would require him expending alot of money resources? and maybe he doesn't want to do that. It costs more to defend that to accuse is what i'm saying..in my case that tactic was used and was effective.
So my case had two levels, the legal stuff ( no justice included here!) and the personal stuff. My parents detested my ex...both the lawyers knew that, and the objective was to get her out of my life. As an adult, I would have done that in a much more sincere and honest way, because our relationship was headed that way ultimately, my parents violated my intimate space once again.
So how come you've resumed contact with them Nic? 1- because i love them and I know they love me. 2- because they are elderly and Ns, and i've come to realize there is nothing I can do ever to change them.3- because I realized I had to let it go, I had to set up boundaries and see to it myself they were respected. I visit them together ( they do not own where I live nor did they pay for it)..I make sure I don't break my own rules.4- because it was time for me to grow up ( that's ruddy painful!!) 5- because in my time away from them I realized how overinvolved ( fused) with them I was and that's not healthy.6-The time away from them was beneficial to both parties..they know i can leave again if they don't somehow control their N urges and I own my own life and time.7- because at their age they're never going to change and at my age,41, it's high time I build a satisfying true self of my own.
In a nutshell ( no pun intended) these are some of the reasons I can come up with at this time.
It's abhorrent that your Dad would see you live in need, he's a few notches more sadistic than my Ns are. You know the add on tv that says, never let them see you sweat! The add directed at Ns would be, never let them know they've either won or lost!
In court, Ns can usually be embarrassed if it's well proven that they've lied, however depending what the point of law is, if they are legally entitled to anything, they'll hold on to it and frankly there is little you can do. It's just important to explore exactly what you're options are and it is very important for the N perpetrators to understand that THEY ARE NOT THE LAW!
Gosh I wish you luck with this..There are so many twists and turns with Ns, and when they're your Mom or Dad or both and you can't reach them other than at their own level ( excluding your own of course!) it just makes it all the more painful. For myself, i'm accepting who they are and loving them at a distance...that's the best i can do, come to think of it there really is no alternative.
It was important for me to get beyond all the crazy-making now, before their death. I had become too enmeshed with the system they created, i had compromised my own life and happiness too often to accomodate them ( guilt, shame,abandonment,rejection- which they used often) and to my detriment. The climax of all this dysfunction would have been their dying and my living having known only them, having loved only them AND having forgotten all about me. I would have ultimately been lost, confused, alone, frustrated etc. and less a voice.
It's been a crazy way of getting around to living my own life..a very weird way! It's been so unhealthy and strangulating and sometimes I think: have you really been blessed Nic to have the intelligence not only to understand what happened but to have been able to navigate sanely through it?
The whole story has left me shell-shocked and exhausted..I need a big rest, it's affecting everything. Luckily I sleep well, eat well, have a good paying job and I have someone who loves me, AND i'm genuinely beginning to love myself. Slowly but surely..
I so don't want to give anyone the impression that I'm over the hump and just sooo happy now tralala..'cause i don't feel that way yet. I have good days and bad days, really good days, and really bad days...but my times they are a changin'..
I love you Phoenix and wish you all the best..above all a moment of bliss where you can feel how important you are without any doubt. Welcome back,