Hi ReallyME,
No, CB is not my patient. As I wrote recently, I currently do not know anyone who posts on this board, nor have I for a year or two. I have never known a “regular” participant on the board.
“Suppose there are narcissists on your group and someone did point this out, as I've seen on here in the past that I'm not the only one who does so, do the people who "saw the elephant and called it one, owe the elephant an apology as well?"”
I’ve answered this question previously in this thread—you are not qualified to label/diagnose people. Furthermore, you were wrong in your diagnosis of CB.
You wrote on the “How the board is the same” thread:
“If my presence here has become so offensive to some and not a help to others, then i must go elsewhere.”
Having driven off a poster as a result of your faulty judgments, and being unable to see or acknowledge the harm that you have caused, unfortunately, this is true. This is not the right forum for you.