Author Topic: Virtual Emotional Support  (Read 16250 times)


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #75 on: August 14, 2004, 06:57:02 AM »
Hey bobbie, I was just kidding about the 'whip myself later' bit. I should have added  :D  this. I really appreciated your post, and who knows, maybe it'll add a new level of awareness to this thread. And who knows, maybe your words might help get it back on track to what I think was it's original author's good intention. I sure hope so. And if I'm delusional about hoping for good things, than that type of delusion I'm happy to live with. Once again take care, and hey, hug your kids lot's, and tell them you're sorry, and that it's wasn't their fault you snapped. But don't beat yourself up too badly over it, okay. Although, I guess you've already done that, hey, hugged them I mean. But it never hurts to do it again, does it.  :D  Enjoy them. They're only kids once and it really goes so fast.