Hi Izzy
It was the moderator thread, but, which one, as it was spilt into two, I cannot recall, would have to dig.
I was
not going to do any 'devilish' or 'mischievous'
It was something like "our patient Leah, you've missed your chance, "Butch"
Which I referred to thinking as Butch.
Tis okay, I am not butch, and certainly never ever been called a bi*ch in my life (well, not to my face, who knows?? he he

All I wanted to say with 3

was that I am a feminine woman, divorced, unattached, yes, but not desperate!

I love my stress free dom too much!!
No problem, honestly (((( Izzy ))))
Love, Leah
PS > found it ... searched for 'butch' ...
Re: Lack of moderating
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2008, 01:25:37 AM »
hah heh hah
I did mean sane! Who was baby-sitting while I was gone, anyway????
And Leah, our ever-patient Leah, you were too late Butch!
later aLLl
Love Ixxy
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 01:30:50 AM by Izzy_*now* »