Carolyn: There's room for everyone... and those who want to rule the roost will eventually either grow up or leave.
No, Carolyn. there is not room for everyone at all. There is room for people who come here to tell how awful their life has been (most with good reason), but there is not room for people who are here to tell that there is VICTORY that can be won over things.
It's like people want permission to stay stuck.
For instance, is their room for people who became N's or ill as a result of N's? I guarantee there are N's right on this very board. Is there room for "everyone" no.
I think there is room for everyone. I used to not feel that way but by making a commitment to myself to not abandon the board, work through MY issues, not others people's issues, I can learn and grow to accept everyone. That does not mean I will like them but I CAN live peacefully with them.
Just like Ami and Carolyn said if I find myself being brushed the wrong way by someone here then perhaps it is something in me that I need to look at.
The more I heal and embrace my pain as well as humble myself and admit my ego/pride and weak areas the more strength I have to accept others regardless of their glaring N traits or personality, or subtly destructive behaviors.
Lately, I can read posts and watch stuff go by that could be a slight to me or a subtle passive jab and it does not hurt or strike a negative chord with me....................... finally!! That was my goal.
It is not so much the world that needs to be changed as me and my attitudes. That is not an easy thing.
Last week I was overreactive, fed up, exhausted and wrung out emotionally (I sound like my dear friend Ami) but sometimes THAT is what it takes some of us to heal.
This week I have a wonderful sense of peace and for the first time in a long time I actually can see the light at the end of the tunnel of all of my pain.
This morning I woke up with Joy and peace in my heart.
I have no desire to fight anyone (Can you believe it?) It is just gone. YES, there is room for everyone here and for those who do not believe so or feel that there is not room, well, I think they will be the first to leave.