I advise vegetarian bacon bits, but that's because I have particular feelings about swine. (I love pigs.)
I know quite a few folks who, when they need to eat healthfully, still believe they owe their kids or families junk food in the house. So there they are struggling to remember their lives are at stake, and they're surrounded with "food" that comes in boxes and shiny bags. Junk cereals, sugary this, corn syrup that. It's nuts.
If I lived with a person who was life-threateningly allergic to perfumes, even though I adored perfume and could put it on three times a day with pleasure, I would not use perfume. Period. Or only when I traveled.
Kids don't need anything that's processed and pre-prepared. The book Square Foot Gardening (there's also a web site) is amazing, and a good start to change what's in the cupboards. Especially when the kids get into it.
love and support to you, Kel,