I called my F and he apologized. He never "knew" how to set standards for his life OR he would not have been a wimp,living with an N(self explanatory--bleh)
I see that my F is clueless ,in many ways, about how to navigate life. He was a successful businessman ,so I thought he "knew" about life,but I guess that one realm of success does not translate to another(the emotional realm)
I was "shocked" to see how HE had abdicated his life, just as *I* had. He was my role model and I see that I did role model myself after him, which was to "take" all sorts of unacceptable behavior, as he does.
Last night, I saw my H w/out blinders, too. I am very happy to be seeing the truth. My H treats me like gold,simply b/c he HAS to. He knows the "gig" is over with abusing me,but now he is trying it on my son. I see, with my eyes wide open---bleh.
I told my son that I will stand up for him, always and he can count on it.
I see just how I got to this sorry point.
Ann said that when s/one commits suicide ,they lose their self protective mechanism. S/thing has gone very awry. I see, with me, that the same thing happened.Ann says that there is a "victim" spirit which resonates with the predator spirit . One calls to the other.
I see how my losing the self protective mechanism set me up for all this pain and trouble.
IF I had the basic self protective mechanism, I would have run so far from my H, right from the beginning and always, actually.
Even my M saw how bad he was,one of the few times she had good sense.
So, now I am coming together and seeing the truths in life, which I have been blind to.
Before I got numb, I made a decision ,which I did NOT honor.I saw a movie about a girl who was victimized and I said I would never let that happen to me. I did let it happen to me b/c I lost the connection with the core belief in my goodness and "fitness" as a human being.
I lost the truth of "Talk softly,but carry a big stick".You need the stick always, even if you hardly use it.
That would be one lesson from my tragedy.
I allowed my life to descend like this, even though it was NOT my" fault." I was denuded and underwater, so my life was a reflection of that. Now ,I am almost out of the water, and my life is reflecting that.So, as I gain my mind ,my external life will change and is changing.
I know it was not my "fault" for Scott BUT it was a result,in part, of my being underwater and abdicating my life, as my F did.
God forgives me ,but I still must face the truth,honestly. Honesty is the map out of emotional and mental illness, according to the Bible . It is working for me, and I am almost out of the lies and distortions. Ami
PS I can see that my Aunt would never,ever allow what happened to me to happen to her D's. I asked her what she would do if they had a H like mine. She said she would let them come home.
I told her about my H.She said,"Didn't he LEARN anything from the death of his son?"The answer is NO. He blames it on "brain chemistry. It was NOT brain chemistry,it was craziness. My H has learned nothing,less than nothing and now he is trying to repeat it,with my older son,BUT *I* have learned and that is the difference. It will never be the same again, b/c *I* am different. When I get totally up from underwater, then I will try to put my "house" in order.