Dear Kate,
I agree with Amber. IF you feel badly,it is a SIGN s/thing is wrong. It is counterproductive to judge or label it a"legitimate" feeling or self pity(illegitimate).
I see that you have a deeper issue here, which you probably know, which is not enough love for yourself or acceptance of WHERE you are. Also, you are not trusting your feelings, which goes along with the other parts(not enough self love and acceptance.)
The answer is simple, BUT hard,hard,hard--to love yourself, somehow,some way.
That answer would heal that problem and most others(IMO)
How to undo all the tapes of self hatred is the problem AND the solution. I am with you, dear friend, trying to climb out of the horrible pit of self hatred. I have defined the problem(IMO). I wish enacting the solution were as easy.
I am finding love,in my life, and feeling more self love ,as a result. I just got a Divine gift of a person loving me, which I did not deserve.Maybe, God provided it,at this time for me. I don't know,but love ,from people and/or God is the answer, I think.
I am sending SO much love to you, Kate. Ami