Dear Steve,
I appreciate your thought provoking post. I have struggled my entire life trying to be a "good daughter" and love my hateful, narcissistic, emotionally strangling, neglectful, envious, destructive, self-centered, alcoholic, physically abusive mother and often hoped I would finally be loved by her in return.
I have often felt bereft of the most basic of human "rights" to be loved and cherished by one's own mother. I have alternated between trying to manipulate her to love me, trying to will her to love me, trying to perform well enough so she would love me, trying to deny my need for her love and finally, coming to terms with the reality that she will never be able to love me. I am learning to love and care for myself now, instead. I am finally becoming free of the crushing and debilitating need to hate her, to punish her, to rage at her and to escape from her. I am finally learning to actually "love" her. How you might ask? By understanding a fundamental definition of love is to "earnestly desire and actively seek" someone's welfare and well being. I can HONESTLY say I have these feelings toward her; I do seek her welfare, to the extent I do not damage my own. This is the simple, decent, civilized love of one human being for another and implies an understanding of the basic dignity and rights of all humans, not just the nice ones. This is the way I love my mother. There is no intimacy, no sharing, no nurturing, no true interaction, no connectedness, no caring exchange, no depth of love usually expressed by a healthy mother/child relationship; nevertheless, this is how I carry on.
Thanks for posting.... Violet