Last year I finally saw information of narcissistic parents and what they can do to children and I was so relieved, as you all were, to see that it wasn't me that had caused all the problems. I grew up thinking I was not to be valued by anyone, including myself, and that everyone else but me had rights that I had to cater to. I was an extremely introverted chld who felt that everyone else came first. All of this came about because of a mother who had to be the most important one in the family. I was simply an accessory to her and a scapegoat for everything wrong in her life. I could do nothing right, make any decisions of my own, or have feelings of my own (unless they coincided with hers) . She was insanely jealous of any attention my father gave me, so she drove a wedge between us so that we couldn't be close. When she wasn't around, he and I would get along famously, but when she was, he would retreat emotionally because it was just easier to back off than to incur her wrath and manipulations. I realized, after growing up, that she did this with as many relatives as she could too- I always wondered why they were a bit remote with me. I grew up and married another N, but eventually wised up and left him. The point I am trying to make now is that, even though I have a lot more insight into why I felt so badly about myself all these years, I still am having trouble trying to rectify it. I recently asked my doctor to put me on Paxil, which she did, and it has helped me tremendously. I no longer eat compulsively when I am stressed out, and I have lost over 40 lbs. I used to cry over everything (I could sob over a touching dog food commercial, for God's sake) every day. I now am able to respond normally to situations. I even went to a wedding recently and didn't cry- I used to blubber through the whole ceremony like an idiot. But I still have a long way to go. I don't know how to work through my feelings of self loathing left over from years of emotional and physical abuse from my mother. Intellectually I know about the wonderful thingsyou guys talk about, but emotionally I still mentally flog myself over anything that goes wrong or that I haven't handled properly. I feel like I am at a standstill. I can't afford to see a therapist. I tried that some years back, but she really wasn't what I needed. I am now married to a very nice man who supports me, and I have 3 wonderful grown sons. So I have family support. But I still can't seem to give myself support.