All I have to say to Tim is "
Good Luck"!

What I have to say about Tim on the other hand..............

I can't say in case there are minors present.
I wonder what happened to Tim???? Maybe he's been cyber-stalked. Does anyone have his email adrdress, perhaps I'll ask him... anonymously.

It's always interesting trying to understand why people have the issues with the stuff that they do. I auto-assume with Tim his gripe has a personal history. Maybe his wife posts 'interesting' stuff about him on a forum, and he can't prove it.
Maybe he has the hots for some on-line poster at his favourite forum, and that's the only way he can think of to get her/his name and address.
Who knows? "Good luck Tim". I can feel a 'Personal Opinion' coming on. Possibly from too much Prune Juice. Tim has 'control' issues.
"All you need is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure."
Mark twain