N Saint Therapist enslaved me. Getting out of N-Slave has taken it's toll on me. I had no idea how damaging it was for me to be in a therapeutic relationship with a toxic therapist. Even now after 6 months I am still wiping her dirt off of my psyche.
She invited me to her ministry, her family to babysit, her circle of followers. I had no idea how much of myself I was going to have to deny to be apart of her following or to engage with her on any level. Just her crossing of boundaries WAS a red flag for me but she had this way of making the wrong seem right.
Here is a list of what would transpire between us on any given therapy session:
I'd start talking about my childhood pains and memories that were coming up. She would respond by talking about her and her husband's bad childhood this would lead me to feel discounted and invalidated as well as guilty for even speaking about my pain.
I'd share with her my desire to help others based on my past and my abilities. She would sit in silence and stare oddly. The constant silent treatment triggered my mind reading...and was invalidating. I had no idea what to make of her cold silence, it was crazy making.
I'd share with her my hope to get healthy, her response was she would put her head down in silence.
There was a monotonous tone or very shallow tone to the way in which she expressed herself. Looking back it seemed mechanical.
I'll never forget the time I had stopped working with her for about three months. I though nothing of it other than I was just not drawn to her. But then when some stuff came up I called her. When we met for our appointment she came across in a way that was so strange; she was very different and the only way I can describe it was she seemed like she was over the top trying to impress me and prove herself to me but there was an under current of competition that only now, in hindsight, can I see it.
I'd share with her my pains concerning the lack of affirming love in my childhood, she would put her head down in silence.
I recall once when I told her that I was invited to speak at a conference, I had been speaking for many years and had a gift for it, she got silent fearful look on her face that I had become so accustomed to.
It still to this day confuses me what all of her silent stares and nonresponses were. It was crazy making. It was all such subtle damaging abuse, so under that radar that it went un-noticed by me because I was so used to sublte emtional abuse from my childhood.
I think it is ironic that this woman who was supposed to help me heal, did help me heal but not in the kind and loving way, she helped me by triggering me because she mirored my N mom, covertly.
'Codependency' is the term given to the dedicated partner of the Narcissist. This becomes a way of life that is rarely analysed and people in this position often idealise it. It is rationalised using words such as loyal, dedicated, self-sacrificing. The cost includes loss of self-esteem; loss of personal boundaries, loss of a sense of one's own reality; regression to thinking in terms of 'black' and 'white'; and self-neglect. A co-dependent is relatively powerless and is more likely to be susceptible to being manipulated when one has experienced verbal, emotional, or sexual abuse suffered earlier in life. Tragically, a child who has been abused in these ways will often marry or partner who is, psychologically, similar to the original abuser and not be conscious of the situation because for him/her being abused feels 'normal'.