Hi all,
I'm back from a wonderful visit to my daughter in Florida. We swam in an amazing pool built in the 20s, went to South Beach, Coconut Grove, Coco Beach, and Shark Valley...a part of the Everglades. Lost count of the gators and great blue herons. It was wonderful.
She was only prickly part of the time...and mostly, we got along well and it was hard to leave her. She has a lovely little apartment, and is looking for a PT job. Most of her grad school classes are on an evening schedule. She's been very lonely, but I think this experience is strengthening her. I'll go down again in the fall. And she'll be up in a month...needs to visit her grandmother for what may be the last time.
My mother's deteriorating, often completely addled. My brother is here and says he's staying until late next week. He's been civil and is spening time with Mom. He also still wants to get involved in the finances and I'm not inviting him to. I finally went to see an elder law attorney who told me it's not only ethical but appropriate to transfer the house to me now, since those are her wishes in her will. There's a Medicaid exception for live-in family caregivers. (For those across the pond, Medicaid pays for elder care but only after you "spend down" all your assets, and in most cases, that includes the roof over your head. But since it's also my home and I've been her live-in caregiver for 10 years, they will allow it to be transferred to me.) That's a huge relief, but it also will be a financial challenge I'll barely be able to meet, once she's gone.
Much on my mind and much to do. So I'm not doing a very good job getting caught up on the board...I'll read all I can but may never be able to post as much as I'd like.
It's wonderful to see all the activity here, and new people and new friendships forming.
love to all,