The other day I saw this movie (Mars Attacks) on TV (again). But this time I was surprised to notice some very clear demonstrations of N strategies and how the victims react. If you haven't seen the movie, don't do that, you probably won't like, so don't blame me.
But if you have seen it, there's a moment when the Martians arrive at Earth and they are properly welcomed.
The first thing they say is "We come in peace. We come in Peace". Everything is going smoothly. There is a feeling of communion in the air. Suddenly, they see a dove flying. What do they do?
They react, kill it and everybody else around.
Does it ring a bell? Do you remember a moment when everything was perfect, your N said something good, maybe a promise, maybe a declaration of love and then, suddenly, BAM! ???
OK. The Ns, cough, Martians showed their intentions, now we are supposed to strike back, get even or, at least get away from their malignant behavior. But what happened is soooooo strange... It was so uncalled for... Did it really happen? Was it a misunderstanding? Did we judge them the wrong way? Everything was just fine...
Well, in the movie they even start thinking that the dove was the culprit:
“Ladies and gentlemen... may be a cultural misunderstanding.
Maybe to them, doves mean war.”
Well, well, how many times were you induced to think that YOUR good behavior was the cause of the N’s bad behavior? Was the dove the culprit? Now doves and good deeds mean war? Do you feel a fog in the place where your brain used to be?
This is a classic example of N behavior. To get the best results, they attack when it is completely unexpected (at least for the novice), when their behavior is so absurd that it is completely outrageous and if you happen to tell somebody else what you just saw or heard, they will think YOU are the crazy one.
But, OK, now the victim is trying to justify what happened:
“We all saw how they reacted to that dove.
It frightened them.
He did say that...
..."We come in peace."
Reacting like a regular HUMAN being, trying to establish dialogue and understanding, the president of the United States sends a message to the Martians:
“There can be no doubt
that we two peoples...
...have a great deal to offer one another.
You must be as excited as we... find intelligent life in the solar system.”
How many times did you think, “Wow, if we just can talk and solve things. If we put our problems behind us, everything will be fine. We have so much in common, we have a special relationship”...
So you try appeasing, giving love, affection, showing there's nothing to fear:
“Let me make it clear.
You have nothing... fear from us.”
The result of this message?
Martians rolling on the floor laughing out loud, on the other end, at their spaceships. BTW, did I mention the Martians had BIG heads?
Does it ring a bell? Was there a time when you were down and you were laughed at or got an even worse beating (maybe a verbal assault)? What was the result of your attempts to communicate?
But since the last rage/attack of our N, I mean, Martian, they showed some good will, it looks like he/she may improve his/her behavior, if we only try it a little harder.
So, in the movie, in a gesture of peace, humans grant the Martians access to the Congress, so they can speak and everything can get back on track.
What do the Martians do when they are given their chance to prove their goodness? They do something even more outrageous than the last time. They kill everybody present, without the slightest provocation.
You gave him/her access to the very inner core of your being. What was done with that? In how many pieces did he/her broke your heart and ripped your soul?
Candidly, the general still tries to talk:
“Come on down, Mr. Ambassador (the Martian)!
Mr. Ambassador, please!
This doesn't make sense!
It's not logical! It's not...”
He is also killed, of course.
Are you still trying to reason with your N? I am (insert sound of head banging on wall here). Do you try to convince him/her that what he/she is doing isn't logical/moral/correct/HUMAN? How efficient have been your attempts?
“Guess it wasn't the dove.” Do you still try to understand your N?
But why does your N does what he/she does?
“They blew up Congress!
Why'd they do that?
Maybe they don't like the human being.”
So, to end a long post, how do they defeat the Martians, if they do?
Well, since it’s a High-Tech movie, they exploded the brains of the Martians playing a piece of yodeling music, "Indian Love Call" by Slim Whitman.
Maybe that's what we should do to our N’s. Bore them to death! Let's forget them, exclude them, ignore them, till their brains(?) explode.