Can't agree with you more Phoenix

As I've written, I think Pandora should have no direct contact with this chump and only do so via her lawyer. The marriage is over, bar the tidying up. His problems are no longer hers.......of which I'm certain she's very happy about!
I do feel for Pandora and all women in her situation. In fact I feel for anyone, man or woman, who suffers from such emotional abuse. We live at a time when marriages between men and women have never been so fragile.
I have three teenage daughters. I don't for one moment believe that I'll be 'walking down the isle' just once with each one! It just doesn't work that way anymore! And dealing with ex hubbies/boyfriends is going to become an issue that I hope the girls drag me into. I would never allow anyone to hurt my girls!!!
I know that this site is for people who've experienced abnormal stuff, that's why I came here in the first place. Unfortunately there are differing levels of abnormality in marriage breakdowns. My ex wife and I argued prior to our divorce. Yes there were tears and yes, one or two things were said that shouldn't have been. She would phone me during the night for a conversation that would inevitably turn into an arguement. She didn't want to divorce. Nasty things would be said. It was a time of tension and emotional turmoil....most divorces produce just that. It was a very saddening was painfull.
I remember especially her hurt at the thought of me sleeping with another woman. That really ticked her off and she would really 'kick off' at the thought of it! I'd listen over the phone as she'd slowly wind herself up until she was emotionally kicking the hell out of herself. I'd just say nothing and waiting until she'd calmed down from her short term roller coaster ride.
Anyway, I'm fully supportive of anyone who's in emotional distress of what ever kind! I'm Irish by birth and my 'mammy' always wanted me to become the 'priest' of the family. Every Irish mother wanted at least one in the family in those days! Not so sure now with all the bad press and things these days:) ! I thank god I was saved from becoming one as I found the joys of women in my youth

, although then agian, maybe I'm changing my mind again on that one
Pandora is scared. She asked for opinions...and I gave her one. That's all it is, just a guys opinion....sorry if it upsets people.