Author Topic: Start our day with meditation, relaxation and positive affirmations. Before bed?  (Read 3983 times)


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This meditation lasts 15 to 20 minutes. It is a meditation of SIX steps. Each step will take roughly two and half to about three minutes. I will first explain to you all the steps and then you can start.

The FIRST is the step of rhythmic breathing. Breathe in slowly, easily, evenly, and deeply and then breathe out slowly, easily, evenly, and deeply. Within three minutes you should be able to breathe in and out about ten times. But you need not count. I will do the counting for you. And when the three minutes are over, shall ask you to move on to the second step. As your breathing becomes rhythmic, your tensions will relax. It may be better if you blend the repetition of “OM” with your breathing. As you inhale, take in the breath, utter the sacred syllable “OM” silently. Then exhale, take out the breath and as you do so, utter the sacred syllable “OM” orally i.e. with sound.

The SECOND is the step of detached observation. In this step, as an observer you have to watch the movements of the mind. Detach yourself from the mind. This is very, very important. You are not the mind. You are only watching the mind. What is the mind doing? What thoughts is it entertaining? You are not the mind. You are not thinking those thoughts. Just watch the mind. Observe the mind without any judgment, without any criticism. You are but a silent observer; observe without judgment, without criticism. You will find that as you detach yourself from the mind and just keep on watching it, its movements, gradually the mind will cease its activities.

Then we come to the THIRD step. The third step is the step of serenity, the step of peace. In this third step, you may imagine yourself as a rock in the midst of an ocean. Waves arise. They dash against the rock. The rock is unaffected, is calm, tranquil, peaceful, serene. Waves arise. Waves are the distracting thoughts. They dash against the rock. The rock is unaffected, calm, tranquil, peaceful, serene.

Then we come to the FOURTH step. It is the step where you realize your oneness with all that is, all men, all creatures, all things, all conditions. You are not apart from others. The others & you are parts of the one great whole. You are in every man, in every woman, in every child. You are in every unit of life, in every bird and animal, in every foul & fish, in every insect, in every shrub, in every plant. You belong to all countries and communities, all races and religions. You are at one with the universe. This type of meditation will fill your heart with loving kindness & a spirit of compassion so that a stage may come when you will not wish to snuff out the life even of the smallest insect.

The FIFTH is meditation on your immortality. In the fourth step you have realized that you are not merely in your physical body. You are in all that is, in the experience that we call death. It is the body that drops down, the physical body. But you will continue to be, even when the body has dropped down, you will continue to be in every grain of sand, in every drop of water, in every ray of sunshine. Death cannot touch you. You are immortal. If you are at one with all humanity, then even if there is one human being alive, you are alive. If you are at one with all living creatures, then even if there is but one creature breathing the breath of life, you are alive. Yes, you are immortal, immutable, eternal, deathless!

And now we come to the FINAL, the last, the SIXTH step. In this step you breathe out peace and happiness, goodwill and bliss to all. May all be happy and full of peace and bliss. Think of all who dwell in the Northern lands and pray in the heart within: “may all who dwell in the Northern lands be happy and full of peace and bliss.” Then think of all who dwell in the Southern lands and offer the prayer “may all who dwell in the Southern lands be happy and full of peace and bliss.” Likewise, “may all who dwell in Eastern lands and all who dwell in Western lands, may they all be happy and full of peace and bliss.” Breathe out peace and goodwill to all. May all be happy and full of peace and bliss. All living things whether they be near or far, tall or tiny, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, whether they be born or are still in the womb unborn, may all, all, all be happy and full of peace and bliss. May those that love and those that for some reason or the other are unable to love you, may those that speak well of you, and those that for some reason or the other are unable to speak well of you, may all, all, all, without exception, be happy and full of peace and bliss. You are in them all. It is only when they become happy that you are happy. May all be free from disease, ignorance, sorrow. As you get up from this meditation, you will find that you yourself are happy and full of peace and bliss.

And now if you are ready, we shall begin with the meditation. Sit in a relaxed posture; as far as possible, the back, the neck and the head should be in a straight line. In the beginning you may find it difficult to bring them all in a straight line but do it as far as possible. Above all, be relaxed. Relax your body. Relax your muscles. Relax your limbs and now let us embark on this interior journey, a journey that takes us within, a journey that in due course may change our lives and fill us with tranquillity, with peace and bliss and make us instruments of GOD’S help and healing in this world of suffering and pain.

The FIRST step, the step of rhythmic breathing. Therefore, breathe in slowly, easily, evenly, deeply, as deeply as possible and to make your breathing deep, one thing that will help you is, when you exhale, try to breathe out as much as possible. Now take the first step: Empty the lungs as far as possible. Now inhale. Take in the breath and utter the sacred syllable “OM” silently. Then exhale, take out the breath and as you do so, utter the sacred syllable “OM” orally, with sound. Begin: Inhale............(PAUSE)..............Exhale, “OM”............................(PAUSE) “OM”.......................................................................... ..........................(PAUSE) “OM”.......................................................................... ..........................(PAUSE) “OM”.......................................................................... ..........................(PAUSE) “OM”.......................................................................... ..........................(PAUSE) “OM”.......................................................................... ..........................(PAUSE) “OM”.......................................................................... ..........................(PAUSE) “OM”.......................................................................... ..........................(PAUSE) Some of you feel so relaxed and at peace that you would love to be in this state for a longer period. When you do your individual meditation, you can increase this period.

Now we come to the SECOND step; it is the step of detached observation. Detach yourself from the mind, watch the movements of the mind. Don’t get involved with the mind. You are not the mind. You are only a silent observer. Watch the mind without any judgment. No judgment. This is very, very important. Only observe the mind. Watch the movements of the mind. Watch them. Don’t get involved with the mind. You are not the mind. You are only a silent observer. Watch the movements of the mind even as you would watch the movements of a little child who is trying to be naughty. Don’t pay attention to your breathing. Only watch the movements of the mind, sitting easily in a relaxed posture. Watch what the mind is doing...................................................................( __mins of silence). Don’t pay attention to the breathing. Only watch the movements of the mind. Watch as a silent observer. Watch without judgment................(__mins of silence). Be relaxed. See that the muscles around the eyes and those around the mouth are relaxed. Relax, relax, relax, relax...........................................(___mins of silence). The next three mins are over. We have had in all a little over six minutes of meditation.

We move to the THIRD step. It is the step of serenity and peace. I imagine that I am like a rock in the midst of an ocean. Waves arise; distracting thoughts come to me. They dash against the rock; but the rock is unaffected, unmoved, calm, tranquil, peaceful, serene. So many waves come. Perhaps I have done something during the day which I should not have done. Let that not disturb me. I am a rock in the midst of the ocean, unaffected, unmoved. Perhaps I have not done something which I should have done something which I should have done. Let that not disturb me either. I am a rock in the midst of an ocean, unaffected, calm, tranquil, peaceful, serene: calm, tranquil, peaceful,..............................................( mins. of silence). Some past memory comes to me. Let that not affect me. I am a rock in the midst of the ocean: calm, tranquil, peaceful, serene: calm, tranquil, peaceful, serene........................................................................ ............ ( mins of silence.) Don’t pay attention to your breathing. Don’t watch the movements of the mind. You have only to imagine that you are a rock in the midst of the ocean, unaffected by anything that may have happened, unaffected by anything that may happen. You are like a rock in the midst of an ocean - calm, tranquil, peaceful, serene; calm, tranquil, peaceful, serene..................................................( mins. of silence).

We now come to the FOURTH step: It is the step of realizing the oneness with all that is; all human beings, all creatures, all birds, all animals, fish and foul, insects, even mosquitoes, all trees and shrubs and plants. I am one with them all. I am in the lowliest of the low, in the poorest of the poor. I am in the meanest of the mean, in the most wretched, the most miserable. I am in him. He is not apart from me. Oneness, oneness with all. Out of this cometh true love. If I am one with all, I am in the lizard of which I am afraid. I am in the cockroach which I want to kill. I am in all; I am in all; I am in all. How can I kill anyone? How can I criticize anyone? How can I judge anyone? How can I think ill of anyone?....................................................................... .......( mins of silence). I am in all that is. What a wonderful feeling this is. No-one is apart from me. Everyone, everything is a part of me. For I am the universal self: “TAT VAM ASEE.” That art thou. Thou are not the physical body that thou has worn during this period of earth incarnation. Thou art that, Thou art that; Thou art that, the universal self. Relax, relax, relax. Let your backbone be straight.( mins of silence)

And now we come to the FIFTH step. If I am in all, if I have realized my oneness with all, I can never, never die. It is only when I feel I am this physical body that I live in fear of death. Now I can challenge death. Death, you cannot touch me! You can only take away the physical body. But I am in all. So long as there is one human being alive on earth, I am alive. So long as there is one creature that breathes the breath of life, I am alive. So long as there is a leaf fluttering in the wind, I am alive. I can never die. I have never died. I am eternal. I am immortal. I am immutable. I am deathless. I am in every ray of sunshine, in every drop of rain, in every grain of sand. I am one with all that is...............................( mins of silence) By now your breathing has become deep. Be relaxed; see that your spine is straight. See that there is no tension in the muscles around your eyes and around your mouth. See that there is no tension in the muscles of your legs. Relax, relax, relax .............................................................................. ........( mins of silence). You are not the physical body. You are not the body-mind complex. You are the universal self, the oneself that is in all. In all that is ..................( mins of silence)

And now we come to the FINAL step, the SIXTH step: the step in which we breathe out love and goodwill and peace to all: “I love you all, I love you all”. Let that aspiration come out of the very depths of my heart. In the measure in which I give love to others, love will flow back to me and I will always have plenty of love to give to everyone who meets me. Love all in the Northern countries, in the Southern countries, in the Western countries and in the Eastern countries: “I love everyone, I love you, I love you and I pray that you all may be happy, full of peace and bliss”........................................................................ ..........( mins of silence) “I love those that love me and also those who for some reason or the other are unable to love me. I love those that speak well of me and also those who for some reason or the other are unable to speak well of me.” Actually call out someone by name - someone who you think does not love you, does not speak well of you and say “Mr. X, Y, Z, Mrs. X, Y, Z, Miss X, Y, Z, I love you, I love you, I love you all. May you all be happy and full of peace and bliss. ....................( mins of silence)

By GOD’S grace, our period of silence is over. And now let us rub the palms of our hands together and gently, very gently, softly, very softly, touch them on the eyes and open them.


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I will try Hopy. Will let you know of my progress.

I know you're trying, and you inspire me to try harder, too.

Thanks, Lupita.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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I am listeing to tapes of relaxation and meditation and puts me in a good mood. At the end any incident puts me back in a bad mood. It is a constant battle with my self to feel good. I have been programed to feel bad. My mother gets mad when I feel bad. If I write happy e mails she shuts back with something horrible.


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Just wanted to say that the CDs work. They implant thoughts in your head. My fourth period was bad today and I felt totally detached. Did not suffer.
Sixth period was great, for the first time. I do not know if bible teacher is coaching them, but who cares!
I am not suffering right now. That is the best. For the first time in a long time. I came home and feel better. Just tired, but not sad or abandoned.

The best is to listen to the affirmations over and over and over agian. Louis Hey, Wain Dyer, and suggestion tapes by Bob something, with specila music, it is hypnotic. Loved it.

Love to you all.

Gaining Strength

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Wow Lupita.  Look back at what you wrote on Saturday, "Too much BS? Maybe. Let us see if I talk the same way on Monday night after sixth period."  And guess what - you ARE!!!!

Way to go. 

I so love Wayne Dyar's book on Intention.  I refer to it in my mind daily.  It is time to revisit the book again.


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Wow Lupita I am just reading this topic now and I would love to know what CDs you are using.  Also I never heard of Wayne Dyer before this board but now I am going to get that book on intention.  It sounds really amazingly useful.

Interesting that your mom gets angry when you are in a bad mood, but if you are in a good mood she works to destroy it.  My dad does this and I believe he tries to lure me into a bad mood so he can rage at me, and offload all his toxic rage.   Please compost if it does not fit. 

I want to say - way to go on your experience yesterday especially with 4th and 6th period.  I feel so exhilarated for you!
Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant

Gaining Strength

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Interesting that your mom gets angry when you are in a bad mood, but if you are in a good mood she works to destroy it.  My dad does this and I believe he tries to lure me into a bad mood so he can rage at me, and offload all his toxic rage.

OMG this is exactly the very dynamic that I am working on.  This must be so peculiarly N.  This is the craziness that noone else even recognized as it was going on.  This is the shame humiliation dynamic that I have been working on and writing about.


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Dear GS, thank you so much for your encouragement. It is a battle. I feel good a few hours and have to listen to CDs for more hours and ten feel bad ofr a few hours, and then have to battle again. It is a constant battle. The only difference is that now I do not feel bad all the time. So, the feeling bad is less and less. Hope that it becomes in a 90% good and ten bad. With a lot of work.

Love to you.


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It works. Today a student who has been disrespectful all year long, saw that I did not get mad and he laught and he kind of connected with me. I gave him permission to seat with his friend and he finished his work and he even told me that he hates her, I know hw was playing and he was smiling. He is connecting with me, just because I did not react to his previous disrespect.
Another student, long time ago told me "I have a picture of my dick, do you want to see it? Everybody laught and I wrote him up. Wg\hen he was called to the office he said that I have a dirty mind that he said a pictures of a wooden deck he built in his house. Lier. But, I detached and now we hav a wonderful relationship and I knid of appreicate him that he does not cause any problem and does all  his work. So, I am changing.
Thank you for listening.

Gaining Strength

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The only difference is that now I do not feel bad all the time. So, the feeling bad is less and less.

Me too Lupita.  It is so very, very different.  I've been pinching myself to see if I really don't feel bad!!  I don't - not today.

It works. Today a student who has been disrespectful all year long, saw that I did not get mad and he laught and he kind of connected with me. I gave him permission to seat with his friend and he finished his work and he even told me that he hates her, I know hw was playing and he was smiling. He is connecting with me, just because I did not react to his previous disrespect.
Another student, long time ago told me "I have a picture of my dick, do you want to see it? Everybody laught and I wrote him up. Wg\hen he was called to the office he said that I have a dirty mind that he said a pictures of a wooden deck he built in his house. Lier. But, I detached and now we hav a wonderful relationship and I knid of appreicate him that he does not cause any problem and does all  his work. So, I am changing.

That is incredible.  I am so glad for you.  What a remarkable change!  It is just amazing how the world changes when we change.  Why is it so hard?  I don't know but I am so glad for you. Love to you - GS


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(((Lupita))) before I go to bed I want to say to you -- Today you did it!  I am happy for you and cheer you!  What you did to day was important and difficult and all done by you.  Well done!  Btw, your students sound so maddening!
Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant


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I was so happy to read this thread, Lupita.

Detach with love.....


be gentle and  mindful of our thoughts.

Yup yup yup.


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Thoughts of you, ((((( Lupita )))))

love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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It's so great to hear the cds are helping you. You work so hard. Bless you! seasons
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou


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::crossing out the word need::

want this in my life.

Thanks again for the thread Lupe.
