Silent Meditation
"...knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
This might be helpful. I started it yesterday in the morning. Later in the evening I allowed a person to push my buttons, again. Now I am using the power of intention. I am telling to my self, I will not react, I will not.
Tell me friends what you think.
God bless you!!!!!
A Pure And Simple Doorway To Spiritual Truths
If you've been wondering what meditation is all about, I herewith provide you with one powerful method of beginning a fascinating inner journey.There are many teachers whose forms of meditation seem complicated and exacting. Simple is least in the beginning. I've been meditating for several years, and I almost always use the following very simple technique.
Bear in mind that the terms spiritual and religious are not one and the same. You don't have to believe in a Mother/Father God to effectively meditate. A willingness to experience and explore other states of consciousness is sufficient.
By going within, we are demonstrating a willingness to experience the unseen. Set a high ideal, and what you experience during meditation will be designed perfectly for wherever you are in your development, and will be given to you to the same degree that you desire to know and experience. As we begin to learn, it's important to be flexible, because Knowledge is progressively given. Truth is revealed in layers relative to our ability to understand. Know that whatever you are given for Truth is your current truth, and while we share what we've learned, we respect the current Truths of others ~ the idea is to share.
I suggest that you print out and read this through a couple times before beginning. You might highlight key words to help you remember the sequence, and use the margins for notes if that helps you get an overall grasp. After you've done this technique a couple times, you'll see it's very simple.
With this and any other meditation technique, feel free to modify where it suits you to do so. There are as many ways to meditate as there are people who meditate! Go with what feels right for you, and know that you are loved and guided and protected as you search within.
I wish you Truth, Light, Joy and Peace on your journey.
The Setting
Begin by setting aside at least a half hour for this exercise, a time you can be alone, quiet and uninterrupted by the doorbell, the telephone, other family members, etc. Insulate yourself: This is YOUR time to be with yourself and explore. Music may be played at low volume, just be sure it's a smooth and free-flowing kind of music, such as the sound of ocean waves. Light a candle, if you wish, to help create a peaceful mood. Sit in a chair you can rest your head back against, place both feet on the floor, hands in your lap. Relax. After reading and becoming familiar with the following steps, close your eyes to promote an inward focus.
(The next several steps are my version of those used by the Edgar Cayce Organization in Virginia.)
Exercises To Prepare For Meditation
(1) Head and neck exercises to relax
A. Let your head drop forward and return to upright position (3 times)
B. Let your head drop backwards and return to upright position (3 times)
C. Drop your head to right then to upright (3 times)
D. Drop your head to the left then upright (3 times)
E. Drop your head forward and rotate to the right (3 times)
F. Drop your head forward and rotate to the left (3 times)
(2) Breathing Exercises
(Use your fingers on each side of your nose to breath as indicated.)
A. Think 'strength' while you breathe in through your right nostril and out
through your mouth (3 times)
B. Breath in through your left nostril and out through the right nostril (3 times)
Simultaneously, imagine your energy centers are clear and strong ~ invite Truth into them.
(3) Statement of Loving Indifference
If there are any with whom I am not at peace, I acknowledge their value, even as I have value. I choose to see and do that which will bring peace and harmony between us.
(4) Statement of Protection
As I open myself to the unseen forces of grace, beauty and might, I throw about myself the protection found in my desire for Truth and Light.
(5) Begin To Focus On The Inner Teacher
I have learned that reciting a powerful prayer at this point in preparing to meditate will quicken all of your energy centers and stimulate a balanced flow of positive energy throughout your whole energy system. Below is my version of the Lord's Prayer, aimed to achieve a more non-denominational appeal for the visitors to this page. You don't need to use this, of course! Use whatever feels right for you.
Dear Mother/Father God, who art in my Center, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth and within me.
Give me this day my inner sustenance,
And forgive my debts as I forgive my debtors.
Leave me not in temptation,
And deliver me from misunderstanding.
For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever.
And so It is.
(6) Set an ideal for your meditation.
Keep your ideal short and specific. Recite it until other thoughts are cleared from your mind. Recite and focus upon it until you begin to FEEL the word(s), not just say them. The more you get into the feeling of your desired objective, the "deeper" you'll go. If you are an atheist, an example for ideals are:
"I seek higher consciousness"
or, simply focus on one word, such as
For those who feel or know there is an unseen power, examples are:
"I seek the I AM"
"Please give me Your Light, Love, Joy and Peace as I seek my Inner Teacher."
(Some meditators focus on relaxation, creativity, guidance, etc. during meditation, and this is fine as long as you understand that these and endless other "gifts" will come automatically when you set an ultimate ideal, so set your sights high!)
(7) When you've repeated your ideal to where your mind is clear, "go into the silence"
Try imagining your mind resting in the area of your heart, or imagine yourself sitting in the vast silence of the universe (floating in space), or you might focus your attention just above and between your eyes. You'll find the technique that's right for you as you explore meditation.
LISTEN and LOOK and FEEL in a relaxed manner. You will attain a physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy, higher state of consciousness.
For new meditators, you might set a timer for, say, 15 minutes. Select a timer that has a gentle sound, otherwise you might get a jolt! After awhile, omit the timer and just meditate until you feel you're done.
Even the most seasoned meditators will find their minds roaming! When this happens, please be gentle with yourself. Our minds can resemble the two year old who wants our attention as soon as we get on the telephone. It simply needs to be reminded and trained.
Firmly but gently "Shhh" your mind,
tell it you can think about that later,
then repeat your Ideal until you're clear again.
The more you can be in the silence the better, but please remember that a roaming mind is not a sign of an inability to's a sign that you're human and learning like the rest of us.

When you're finished, keep your eyes closed and bring yourself into the present.
First and foremost, enjoy the peace and calm you've achieved.
Feel the chair beneath you, begin to hear the sounds from outside, notice your breath. Observe sensations in your body. These things help to "ground" you. Take as long as you want and need.
(9) Closing
Establish a closing routine for yourself. One idea is to
(a) pray for others;
(b) pray for yourself;
(c) then, recite or read the 23rd Psalm.
(If you don't believe in these things, simply create a closing that's right for you.)
Happy Travels!!!
Make a tape
I encourage you to make a tape of this technique. Listening to your own voice giving instruction has a special teaching significance for your mind. Making the tape is easy!
Run a minute or two of 'lead time' on the tape to give yourself time to get settled;
Read slowly and allow yourself time to do each step;
If you like, play music in the background as you make your tape. (Some recommendations are Enya ~ Memory of Trees, or any music made for Reiki or meditation.)
Making Your Tape:
1) Read the headlines and text of items #1 through 5, then the headline for #6.
2) Allow the tape run for about 20 minutes (this will be your meditation time).
3) Read #8 into your tape, leave a space of a minute or two, then prompt yourself for your closing routine (9), leaving spaces of time where applicable.
"Once, having been asked when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, '...nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom is within you."
Luke 17:20-21
"And it shall come to pass...that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young...shall see visions. Even upon the menservants and maidservants in those days, I will pour out my Spirit"
Joel 2:28-29
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