Thank you all for your caring replies. I feel like I have found a safe place to share the truth about my husband -- a truth that I have been hiding from friends and family for a long time.
Yes, my parents were highly narcissistic, and still are. Their cruelty and manipulative abilitites are quite something -- especially my father. Want to hear a sad piece of irony? My husband and my father are great friends!! And they seem to be the only ones who can stand spending time with each other. That has always hurt me, that H would give so much of his time and himself to my father, who is so mean and rejecting with me. When I mentioned it to H a few years ago, his reply was "I can't believe that you are so mean that you would try to tell your HUSBAND to stop being NICE to your own FATHER!! How many people would DO SOMETHING like that?!" Hey, put it that way and I did feel guilty and "realized" that it was indeed my hang-up. One day a friend told me that she didn't blame me one bit for being angry and feeling betrayed by my husband's friendship with my dad. I could have cried out of relief that I wasn't wrong on this one, and that someone understood.
I was getting worried about therapy because of how my H gets away with treating me in the sessions (we've only had two so far). But therapist has been pointing out that a concern of mine in the relationship is that I am not heard in this relationship, that I don't have a voice. These were his words, not mine, but once again I could have cried with that "Oh, my God it's not me" feeling! I think it's because of this term (voicelessness) that I came straight to this forum when I did a googloe search for narcissism!!
Will just share another little flash of insight I just got yesterday: As I posted, H and I only get along when we are talking about work. But guess what? That is because he clearly has the upper hand on experience and knowledge. In other words, the rules of our relationship are that we get along well if I just talk to him about the one area that I truly feel he can help me with.
As I am coming to realize, there is a very narrow "band width" for getting along in this relationship.
On the other hand, he doesn't go to prostitutes, doesn't drink or do drugs, and doesn't forget my birthday -- so no big reason to jump ship.
Yes, I realize that I will NEVER get a true friendship out of the marriage. Fortunately I do have friends outside of the marriage.
I think what hurts me the most is when I meet caring, empathic men who really do like me for who I am. They are married, of course, and the issue isn't me wanting them. It's just that I realize that if I knew what I know now about relationships, I could have done so much better for myself those many years ago (we met when I was just 19l). But i guess life is full of regrets and what if's...
Another little insight: He keeps telling me that I am so controlling and judgemental, and gives examples from years ago. Yes, I have come to terms with that long ago, and have lived with the guilt of copying my harping, hen-pecking mother. But I have changed!! I realized long ago how awful it is to be like that, and I have told him that. But I also feel that he could have owned up to his role in the problem to -- i.e., I tended to get harpy because my neeeds weren't met in the relationship.
One more piece of insight: Our kids practically never tell their dad anyting -- even when we are all sitting at the table together, or all together in the van. They simply ignore him, and talk to me. Hey, from the mouths of babes. Thanks to our kids I am now realizing that maybe he is not the GREAT PARENT he makes himself out to be. And maybe I am NOT the mean controlling mother he accuses me of ( enforce rules; he doesn't). In fact, my kids and I have great relationships -- especially when H is out of town.
Off to the bookstore to buy Patricia Evans' book, Controlling People.
Kind of worried though: Do I tell him the book is to understand him better? Or should I play it safe and just say that I am reading it to undersatnd myself. Because I guess we all know how ugly a N gets when they are threatened....
Thanks again to you all.