I'm saying this: is it possible that women have been responding over the milleniums, AD, to stereotypes set down by the christian faith. Have they been shackled into a way of behaving as set out in the 'good book' and strangely enough..... by men! It's not just a question of sexuality the more I think about it. It's more to do with choice like you girls never really had before. Who you sleep with, what sex and how many.....these things were so surpressed by society not so many years ago. Not anymore!
I think that there is a direct correlation between the demise of the christian faith and the growth in female freedom to explore over the past 50 years. How many women had, just like Oscar Wilde, to be married even though they knew inside this was wrong for them. How many men and women have had to 'fake it' in a relationship/marriage in order to lead a life free from religious abuse over the centuries?
We appear to be returning to our Pagan ways, although in a more modern sense! Men are driven by the need to have sex, same then as now, no difference! Women have evolved to a point in time were by they do not need a man so much as they used to, except for the obvious! Women way back when had sex more so because they were commanded to or it was necessary for procreation rather than pleasure. They don't have to now, in fact, they can chose like never before, who with and how many!
Marriage was a religious tool. People married in the eyes of Goddo and the church! Now the church is primarilly used for ceremonial reasons only. Things like weddings, christenings and funerals...etc! Women don't have to lie anymore about there feelings. Life today is much more accepting of sexual issues and men are having to adapt...simple as!
Freud was at the very outset of cognitive behaviour therapy. He is allowed to be wrong on points because he was the first. We spend sooo much effort trying to understand why our partner was such a bastard/bitch to us, when maybe what we've been doing with this person is wrong for us, but we can't accept this, let alone see it! Man and women together as set down in the bible and various other doctrines is in time to come, going to be fully debunked...and rightly so!
If we for one moment look for example at the Muslim faith, we are looking at women as they are today, at least 4 centuries ago! Yes the Muslim faith has structure and family values, but how much are women having to bend to the whim of there male driven faiths? It's backward! How many Muslim women are suffering....not because they're lesbian or bi, but because they're having to conform to a faith that stifles their growth and freedoms.
I was programmed by the Catholic faith as a boy in Ireland. I was brainwashed by these people at the insistance of my mother. She'd been programmed to have as many children as possible, go to church every day, cook, clean, skivy and bonk when required. She didn't have an identity, she just conformed to the norms then! Life is soo different now, no doubt she would have been happier in our time is she was still alive.
Which leads me once again to my points: How many women living today do so at the beheist of others demands/expectations rather than their own! How many women are struggling with how others have been programmed and therefore, what effect these people having on their lives. In staying in a relationship whilst possibly unhappy, aren't we best to accept that the arguments and mental torture is perhaps because we're not free in our own minds to live as we wish!
So what if a girl swings both ways....isn't this probably what happened many many years ago.

Although I was in the Navy and locked up with men in submarines for months on end, I never once was confused or doubted who I am

Women are yummy as far as I'm concerned, just best not to live with them 24/7