Hi, do not say my name, you know who I am, I am at work. I had a horrible day. My fourth period one student call me an idiot and said that I could not even speak English correctly. Englsh is my second language and I will never speak it as good as a native speaker. It is unfaor that they condemn me for that. I wrote him up and told his mother that I did n ot want to see him in my class tomorrow that I wanted to rest from him, znd I told her that he is not going to exempt the exam. He is not. I have the privilege to exempt him, for good behavior, but the way he is treating me, and then the administration tell me that I create problems. I cannot believe the way I am being treated. BUt I do not feel so bad, just scared that I have to look for a new job. Just that. I cannot believe the amount of BS I have to put up to pay my rent. They do not treat other teacher the way they treat me. The lack of support, the invalidation,. that is what bothers me, not the chal;lenging kids, the challenging kids comes with the territory, I do not mind that, but the invalidation of my superior, the lack of support.
All that meditation, diet, exercise, all my work went down today, but, only for a few minutes, I recovered during the second half of sixth period. BY the way, sixth period was good today.
Thank you for listening.
Love to you all.