Hi Deb,
My DVD movie is just over, with a few Pauses so I could post my bag head pic, put things away and brush my teeth, etc, as now I will be off to bed. 11:53 my time, to read a book called 'Predator'--really weird!
Don't become hysterical. I am not leaving and not to toot my own horn, but sometimes I think I can be the voice of reason from the older crowd to the middle-aged. Since that is my daughter's status now, she is no longer the teen who thinks she knows it all and I am now the mother who has learned that I never knew it all, with her.
Your daughter was 2 with a broken leg? or was that a typo, and you in high heels sliding across the floor------hmm!!!!! did your dress stay down over your knees?
Really it is only we older people who have lived longer, who have the stories to tell, and being they are old, we can add spice to them, yet mine are all true---I just am able to laugh at myself.
With age, I found that I can do silly things like the bag on my head in the rain, and get away with it. It helps me to deal with the other parts of life, if I can think about these and laugh.
Then I think of the stupid things I went through and hoped to save my daughter from such things.
I was with a gang at a dance and we were all going to a frat house afterward. What I didn't know was it was all about sex. What I didn't know was that these girls I had known for awhile were into this. I refused and I could see I was in deep trouble ( a lot of whispering going on) and the next thing I knew I was physically 'picked up, carried and set down on the front verandah' out of the frat house and walked home, breaking a high heel, but while I was on the verandah awaiting a cab that never came, a guy came out and consoled me (He was to have called the cab.) I was not up to that and left. Later on in time we met at the dance hall again and he was as gentlemanly as could be and ended up driving me home. He almost raped me in his car. He just ended up with messy trousers as I escaped. Men can be the scum of the earth!
I found it too difficult to tell my daughter EVERYTHING, but I hoped I got my message across.
ah! Yes Life is still the same if not worse than when I was in my late teens early twenties I tell my stories in bits and pieces but could never assemble all I have confessed here, to make a book. I would start old, be born, be 20, be 55, be 30 Nope I have no authoriing skills.
I too hope that CB and Write come back, as well as changing and I see Certain Hope has been missing. tt as well
Take good care and I am glad I kept the bag picture for your enjoyment.
pretty old-fashioned, eh?
not even a microwave oven