Author Topic: Virtual Emotional Support  (Read 16127 times)


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Virtual Emotional Support
« on: August 07, 2004, 05:32:36 PM »
Let's continue to make this a great discussion place and continue to stand up for each other's right to have a voice and continue to believe each other's feelings as real. :)


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2004, 05:56:35 PM »
seconded! :D I'll vote for that anytime. P


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2004, 12:53:04 AM »
Portia--quit talkin' to yerself & take yer meds...

And by the way..... ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

You--penning that????!!!! I'm exasperated--something I haven't felt in years.

You my dear... YOU are The Last Comic Standing............


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2004, 12:59:36 AM »


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2004, 02:34:13 AM »
The first two posts seemed healing.  The third one seems angry and the 4th one is hard to understand.

As for the third one, where is the anger coming from?  I'm curious.
"No one's life is worth more than any sister is less than any brother...."


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2004, 02:42:10 AM »

Garlic etc

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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2004, 02:43:45 AM »
The Ramble thread will explain all sweetie.

You wanna see anger--boy oh boy oh boy oh boy--

Quite contradictory to this sweet & innocent pennin' over here, it's all comin' from Portia over there---


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2004, 03:50:22 AM »


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2004, 08:04:53 AM »
Quote from: phoenix

How BIG does the fire breathing dragon have to get for others to see? How could they not? Why would they not?

Loving? Positive? Helpful? Emphathetic?

I keep getting closer to the picture and am horrified at seeing the same as what you are suggesting... I have said no, can't be, but with you voicing the same, I am thinking it is so. Especially as time has passed and so much of the nature of the two is blending into one. I've had further reason to believe, as well. But it goes back some months. Even so , the hostility coming from that arena is - well, how could anyone not see it? Why do others jump on the bandwagon and join the circus, thinking this behaviour must be all right? Are they willingly blinded by a desperate need to not be targeted? To so dearly want to see this as a safe haven (which it is if you can dedicate yourself to kindness, and disengage from the hostile game playing.) This is real life , here: it doesn't stop  for weary travelers. The only safe haven is inside yourself. What you can find here is others who can tell you how they are going about achieving that. Foremost, listen to yourself, even if that voice is still small. You know ultimately what you believe. The best protection is to look at things head on. Ask yourself. How do I want to treat others? How do I want to be treated? This reminds me of so many times in my life when faced with having to stand alone, say no , as others have followed the Pied Piper down the Primrose.

Appeasement: Saying, "Such a nice pretty, kitty" , before the Lion eats you.

Hi. Am I understanding what your saying. That Portia and CG are the same person. Is that what you're saying? If I sound dumb, that's because I'm trying to understand and am a BIT confused.



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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2004, 10:49:26 AM »
HUGC & Phoenix -

I read the ramble thread and didn't gain any new understanding from it.  If you are going to make huge accusations like that, I think the least you could do for the participants on the board is to make your facts that you based your decision on as clear as possible so that none of us are left in the dark.  This also allows us each the opportunity to re-evaluate the situation and make our OWN decisions.  Otherwise, it just seems like a vicious attack on someone that we all trust and enjoy.  I have no reasons to think differently of Portia OR CG.  Right now I feel these are feeble attempts to put doubt in our minds regarding these 2 board members in particular and add mass drama and confusion to the board.  If you really want to make an argument - go for it.  Toss in some facts and solid examples so that we can see the real issues you are talking about instead of the fluff.

Not following along right now.   :?:

Healing one day at a time.....


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2004, 11:04:08 AM »
Actually, I need to revise a statement up there.  I said "that we ALL trust and enjoy" and I realized I shouldn't speak for anyone but myself.  Would like to edit it to "that I trust and enjoy".

Also, I was thinking.  Let's assume it's true and that CG and Portia are one person.  I don't care.  I think the majority of the posts by both of them are honest, useful and REAL.  The Ramble thread is pretty much their own private conversation.  I will admit to reading it quite often because I get lots of useful advice from their communications.  If they are the same person and can still discuss things that well, good for "them".  I will still read it and get alot from it.  Also, since they are so supportive of each other I would think that would probably be great therapy - nurturing your inner child!  

One more question for you two - what are your motives?  Are you out for blood here or truly trying to heal?

Healing one day at a time.....


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2004, 01:06:28 PM »
I read the ramble thread and didn't gain any new understanding from it.

Shame child- cryin' shame--  How long ya been round these here parts- girlie?

Otherwise, it just seems like a vicious attack on someone that we all trust and enjoy.

Portia says-re. sjkravill--  I was trying to expose her for the shallow, attention-seeking no-intention of healing person that she turned out to be-

Uh...just whatca call that dearie--?   I calls it projection, but to the target it was unprovoked.   Random, inaccurate--attacking--unacceptable.
verbal & emotional violence.  

When it comes to P spew, I must be readin' the book and you must be seein' the movie or somethin', 'cause I can't get my head around the P your explanin'    

I'm with ya all the way home phoenix- though my word is MULTIPLICITY. How is it that people ain't seein' the freakin' obvious???????? :!:  Are folk really that---    do I have some kind of freakin' gift of enlightenment or somethin??????  Morely just blessed with the good old rare gift of common sense I reckon-- shucks---
No--it don't matter none if so & so is sick and takes on 20 demonic identities, but how they use 'em does--  20 demons or 20 saints?  All I've seen around the P that ain't sweet, is destruction---don't quite know what yer referring to as else...   Maybe caught the main P character on a day where she were gettin' all attention & praise she craves'   That'll bring on the gravey to yer plate quite thick...  

World of shame ya can't see the light my sweet... gods pure truth-- i ain't the one to be wary of--    

I hear the masses callin' "here kitty kitty..."  and when P burps, were gonna be mourning another...

Portia 'aint no glam car--- she's a train---wreck

If y'all can't see that by now, please, please, please--step right up-- I got a heck of a business deal for ya.....    

  8) $$$$$$$$$


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2004, 02:04:38 PM »


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« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2004, 02:28:57 PM »

I can't understand why you think you have the "right" answer on this and I still haven't seen you present any hard, undisputable evidence.  I think it is a personal viewpoint - not everyone is going to get along here.  It's like the real world in the fact that we don't all HAVE to get along.  If I enjoy Portia (and I do - very much btw) then that is my right.  I don't have to see things your way.  From my standpoint, YOU are projecting your feelings onto ME - and the general population of this board.  I don't appreciate that.  I also don't appreciate the condescending tone that you took with me in your response.
Shame child- cryin' shame-- How long ya been round these here parts- girlie?,  Uh...just whatca call that dearie--?, World of shame ya can't see the light my sweet, If y'all can't see that by now, please, please, please--step right up-- I got a heck of a business deal for ya.....

From what I understand, you are new to the board - that is, unless you also are a multiple personality.  I can respect our differences and feel that I have been respectful of your opinion.  Please try to do the same for me.

Phoenix -

I can respect your response, although I am still confused about the details of the accusations.  I appreciate you not being rude or condescending simply because we don't agree.  

Healing one day at a time.....


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2004, 04:42:29 PM »
---I can't understand why you think you have the "right" answer on this

Hun, I nor Phoenix ain't the only ones who've expressed these feelin's before--  And P & her one in the same possey of characters by far ain't no newbie to instigated, vile, nasty chaos. No--I ain't gonna take my time drudgin' up months old transpirings & gettin' into a futile ping-pong match with ya. You wanna know, you gotta do the work, and make your peace with it.      

This is gettin' painfully silly, and I can't engage on the low energy vib. level much more, presious.  It 'aint my gig, and it vexes my chalkras...

Ya trys yer darndest but each must arrive into their own---

But that surely don't mean yer gonna get away with abuses P -- You and yer self possey's are gonna get called on it.

---although I am still confused about the details of the accusations.

Unbelievable love. May I gently say that maybe ya shouldn't be commenting with such fervor in that case, sweetie---maybe let the whole thing go now--

Ya truly seem like a prize gal & I know the stability\safety of the board feels important to ya. I really can't say much more to yer soul, babe. It ain't open---  

Despite what yer feelin', it 'aint no condescension---  

Wishin' ya god speed in life honey---   It's all I can do---  :(

Phoenix-- my hat and heart to ya for tryin'-- your wisdom and intelligence is beyond what can be takin' in by some just now---

Frustratin' ain't it---  but I 'aint got a seed of doubt within me that you'll use it elsewhere many times with great successes---