N trashed my car (unbeknownst to me for 2 days) and trashed the house the same night. He had taken all the Xmas decorations down waiting for me, who he had left in a restaurant because he didn't get his way. Came home and trashed my car in the heavy falling snow and I came home about 1 ½ hours later, after I ate my dinner. (He went hungry.)
He tore off his clothing and ripped it to shreds, threw his good wrist watch and his portable phone against the fireplace, upended and wrecked a plant he had grown from a shoot, poured beer on the floor, doused his cigs in the wet patch, and ripped wall hanging, very old ones, hand crafted by his grandfather and broke them over his knee. Whatever else.
I just watched the exhibition, then he yelled at me that I had spoiled Xmas...the best Xmas ever that he had planned for us then threw himself on the sofa and cried, really cried!