I still have some serious anger and resentment going on. During my five year relationship with the very disordered girl, she spread a lot of lies about me to her friends and even my coworkers. I'm over the fact that my ex did these things, and I've forgiven her for it even though she isn't sorry. I haven't been able to come to terms with destroying my reputation among certain people, who still feel the need to talk about it.
The things she did were just aggravating. For example, she'd lie to me and see guys behind my back. She even cheated on me. I told her I was going to leave her because I couldn't trust her anymore, and I couldn't handle her lying to me and going behind my back. She apologized and begged me to stay, but then would get resentful. She'd tell her friends I was controlling and wouldn't allow her to talk to guys. She left out the parts that caused me to act the way I did. I mean, she'd lie to me about some guy and I'd tell her I'd leave her if she talked to him again. She managed to convince her friends that this was controlling and abusive.
But it wasn't like that. I wouldn't have been inclined to leave if she had been honest about who and what she was doing behind my back, and I did give her the opportunity to do that. But she would just lie more under the guise of "I didn't trust her anyway" so she had to hide it. She never made an attempt to gain my trust back, she simply made it worse day by day.
Any time she'd do something horrible to me, she'd tell her friends but distort the truth. She convinced some people that I am a very horrible and abusive person, and she gets away with all the abusive behavior that she did. Its upsetting that she doesn't have to account for her actions and I do. They consider her odd, or eccentric, or "unconventional", and thats an excuse to lie and spread rumors about people.
She's not an innocent girl. She has lied to, harassed, and attempted to destroy peoples lives. Why am I the only one who recognizes that she does this? I feel for people who had horrible childhoods that have messed them up mentally as adults, but she does not have a conscience.
I wish there were people around who'd stand up for me and defend me, but unfortunately I didn't share what was going on with people. I didn't offer anybody an alternative view. I just don't understand how people can believe her. The people who do, are fully aware that her lying is pretty much pathological. Nobody can deny she has trouble with honesty.
Anyways, this is still haunting me several years later.