Author Topic: may be getting thrown out  (Read 3440 times)


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Re: may be getting thrown out
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2008, 12:00:51 PM »
Thank you all so much. Even tho' she sent me a long email today apologizing, I feel I still cannot wram up to her again. It's not hard to be civil - but warm????  She wrote all her reasons for doing what she did but absolutely not one iota of acknowledgement for how bady it scared me. Incapable of putting herself in another's shoes??
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Re: may be getting thrown out
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2008, 12:15:17 PM »

I am thinking about you.  I know it's a very hard time for you now.  I know the doors feel like they are closing shut one right after the other but there is always a window that will open. 

Look for that window Kate always. There will always be one. 

I know your emotions are all over the place and you are very hurt.  This can and will be dealt with and right now you have to put them behind your survival mode.  If your friend is acting like nothing happened then accept that and keep working on taking care of yourself in the future.  I know it's hard.  First things first. Get yourself safe with some security and then you can deal with those emotions. 

I'm sorry about all the pain you are enduring. 




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Re: may be getting thrown out
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2008, 04:08:15 PM »

What an awful, awful situation and a terribly frightening one. I am so sorry, and I echo what everyone has said.

The thing about the therapist sounds like a boldface lie to me. Either she lied to the therapist and he/she came up with that recommendation, or she's just blatantly lying to you. (Or both?)

Believe me, I know your fears. I have been homeless in my life, of sorts. I had to wait for an apartment to be finished once (rented it from a "friend" at work who turned out to be a bitch of sorts) and had no permanent place to live for several months. I lived here and there, housesitting, etc., for about 6 months. It was awful. I will never forget that feeling of finally walking into my own place. I wanted to lie on the floor and kiss the carpet.

Years later and only a few years ago, I basically got evicted from my apartment. I'd been there for 10 years. Long story, but after losing a job and being unable to find work (in the last recession) and also having undiagnosed sleep apnea (the worst my sleep dr had seen ever in 20 years, don't know why I'm alive), which made me too tired to keep things "up" -- I got evicted. Sort of. They gave me a way out. Long story, no need to tell it. Point is, it was awful, and an experience that stayed with me emotionally for years, even now it resonates a little. (I will celebrate my third anniversary with my new landlord in June.)

I don't want to sound too Pollyanna, but I'll tell you what -- at my most desperate hour -- no job, no place to go, moving deadline looming -- God scooped me up and put me in a GREAT place. It's a beautiful townhouse, nicer than any place I've ever lived, and my landlord is a dream come true. He is SUCH a nice, wonderful guy. I was very honest with him when I saw the apartment, and for whatever reason, he chose me as his new tenant (he had just bought it as an investment). This wonderful guy has seen me through three years of tough financial times -- late with the rent almost every month, sometimes got pretty close to being two months behind, etc., etc., etc. -- and I still owe him one month's rent from August of 06. But he has been SO wonderful and understanding, he really has. Now I'm in a better place, and I'm on time with my rent every month, and that feels great! Somehow he saw me as responsible (I am) and just going through a tough time, and he was willing to work with me. What a guy. SOOOO nice.

 Even last year I thought I was going to have to move because I couldn't really afford it, and I talked to him, and he said not to move on his account.

So, my word to you is that in my darkest hour, a miracle happened.

I know how scarey it is, and I will pray for you.

You've received a lot of good practical suggestions here; it sounds like you really need to get out of there, and just work with your roommate as best as you can. She is not entitled to everything you have, etc., etc., and she sounds very dangerous in that way. Please protect yourself. I know that's hard when you're in a stressful and fearful situation.

I wish I knew more of your situation, perhaps I could give you some helpful suggestions. But you have a lot of great minds here helping you out, and I have a lot of faith in their guidance. It all sounds very good to me.

Please protect yourself.

Is there a local church or churches that might help you? I know ours helps people all the time. We're sort of an underground railroad, in fact. And we're part of a wonderful hospitality program that helps people get back on their feet. The member churches host families and single women, a day church and a night church, giving them a place to stay while they save their $$ to find a place to live. Maybe the state or county agencies can help you?  Any other friends, co-workers, anyone? you'd be surprised how willing people are to help, you really would. Sometimes all you have to do is let people know that you need help.

Hugs. Be well, even if scared.


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Re: may be getting thrown out
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2008, 06:59:02 PM »

Thinking of you right now (((((( Kate )))))))

Hoping you are safe and well.

Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

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Re: may be getting thrown out
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2008, 11:38:40 AM »
Thanks for all the support. I asked her yesterday if we could set some ground rules (I was very calm even tho' I was boiling inside), such as her not going into my room and going thru my things. She said, "Absolutely not! It's my house." I persisted, trying to convey what a violation it felt like to me. Next she replied, "it was only one time." A few minutes later, I tried again, told her I was not trying to upset her,. that I cared about her (very much in doubt at this moment), and that her actions made me feel so violated that I was scared. She just looked at me and said, "OK." No remorse, nothing.

She has a terrible sense of entitlement. I realized the depth of that when she I was "holding out on [HER]." How in any rational way does she believe my "holding out" has anything to do with her????  She obviously expects me to give her everything I've got b/c she's "entitled" to it. I've know this woman for the better part of 30 years and have never seen this behavior before. I know she's poor, but she's the one who spent herself into this position - and she refuses to acknowledge that.

Sorry I'm going on about her, but she scares me. I'm praying even harder that I get a job ultra soon and can get out of there. I'm sure when I get a job, she'll demand tons of money from me so she can buy things. The prob is I'll have to stay there a while to build up some cash. My credit is so bad right now I could not rent an apt. if I was ready to do that.
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Re: may be getting thrown out
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2008, 01:16:01 PM »
Kate this is so unbearable to read.  I would so like to open my home to you.  I hate reading what is happening to you.

I'm sorry that her therapist would tell her that, but it does seem that she is a dangerous person to be around.  I simply will pray for a miracle to happen, for someone you know, in better circumstances will open their home to you and someone will provide you with a good job and a livable salary.

I am praying for you today.

My sense is that the Nfriend was the one who came up with the idea and is projecting it onto her therapist so that SHE can still "look good".  With friends like that, who needs enemies?  I can empathize after ending a 40-year friendship.  Would it be possible to contact your county's department of social services?  Is there a county hotline and/or a 2-1-1 you can call for additional ideas and resources?  (My hotline training is kicking in so pardon me if I seem to be intruding.)

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: may be getting thrown out
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2008, 12:44:51 PM »
My state is so-o-o dark ages that all I've been able to get out of social services is food stamps - for the elderly, no less! (I'm over 60.)
"An unexamined life is a wasted life."
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Re: may be getting thrown out
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2008, 01:13:04 PM »
Oh Kate
 Your family is so,so, so cruel. There are no words that can express my disbelief and sadness for you.   Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: may be getting thrown out
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2008, 01:27:05 PM »

You know this will pass and I am confident that it will all turn around for you.  I know, it seems like time is dragging and you anxious to have all of this behind you. 

I was talking to my friend the other day and her friend came up to visit (in a vacation villa) they met had dinner in the villa and talked.  They have been friends for 30 years. 

My friends (friend) did nothing but belittle her and tired to order her around.   My friend left and went home. Actually I think the one friend treated my friend as one of the children and the other was Head MoM, Or Head Female.   She was going to dominate over my friend (the other female) kind of.  But this is only when they are within the same walls.  Otherwise there is on problem. 

It's funny because on the phone or when they go out, to dinner, or other places they get along great.  Put them in a boxed room and all hell breaks out.

People can have some strange behaviours, eh.   Maybe with the one friend being (female also) it's a control issue thing when boxed in.  Like Head dog and a pack leader.   Don't know, but weird. Because any other situation they get along as long as someone does not have to claim territory. 



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Re: may be getting thrown out
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2008, 10:31:01 AM »
She told me today that she was afraid of me - afraid to tell me things, esp. how she feels b/c I always have a "quick come-back" - or words to that effect. I guess I need to learn to keep my mouth shut.
"An unexamined life is a wasted life."
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Re: may be getting thrown out
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2008, 10:50:54 AM »
Dear Kate,
  As a result of the recent interactions, I have lost a little "innocence".
My innocence was wanting the world to be "nice', if I was "nice",in the ways my M told me.
 Your unfortunate circumstances have allowed your "friend" to access the bad parts of herself and attempt to dominate you, as Beth said.The Bible talks about the human heart as wicked. If she is not aware of her own motivations( and she sounds like she is not), she can use her "power"(financial) over you, as a weapon, to build her own ego.
This is what N's do to their children. Everything is a way for THEM to feel bigger and better.
I think your friend is doing this, Kate.
You are in a horrible situation and I hope you can get out.
 I know that it is very hard for women to live together. Your situation is over the top , though, for sure.
 I think that the disparity in power(financial) brought out the monster parts of your "friend",Kate. That is how I see it. I feel like you will find a way out of there, very soon. Do you see a way out ,at all?       Love    Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung