Author Topic: In the name of 'help'  (Read 2265 times)


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In the name of 'help'
« on: August 08, 2004, 08:56:44 PM »
After years of thinking and deleberation and after I raised the issue with my NHS counsellor finally I have got the 'it is alright to say it' sign from him.... I feel violated, belittled, emotionally drained, insulted, ripped off, conned and seriously abused by a person who took it upon himself to 'help' me from my 'problems'. He is a priest and a professor in a College in India where I studied.. and I feel I have been robbed in day light for THREE YEARS and I didnt realise it until my present counsellor thought that I have been abused by him.

All these time I have been thinking about him as am ideal person and the 'father figure' which was missing in my life. He was the only other significant person in my life .. apart from my abusive parents. What is he like ?  He is a monster.. a maniac trapped in his intellect.. out of touch with life !

This is how it began...
I was writing my entrance exam to College.. most of my way through the exam, this person I have never met before in my life.. tapped me on my shoulder and said 'you are doing fine..I am the Head of the Dept and if I give you admission would you study here ? " I said yes.

Looks like the 'if i give you admission would you study here' means 'would you give me admission to study and analyse your self ' and my 'yes' was praised as 'spontanious' and 'directly from the heart' obviously I got the top grade it seems even in the entrance exam. Yea right.. I am an open book.. not much ego.. and he knew it.

After that it was regular 'sessions' of 'psychoanalysis' and my grade depeded on it. I was his 'special' student. He calls me even with a 'pet' name and he would remind the entire class often that I was ' a very sweet person' ( there were obviously talk behind my back that we had gay relationship )

These 'sessions' would often go like this..he would want to meet my dad.. cos thats his method of teaching it seems. He would insist that he wanted to meet my father because he know that I would not forgive him and look after him. He wouldn't want to meet my mom.. because according to him ' I see her daily'

If I resist and am not co-operative and if the 'session' took place in class.. he would look at the other students and say 'what can I do today ? she ( my anima I presume ? ) is very arroogant today.. but she is so beautiful.. somehow she has stolen my heart..I can't concentrate' etc.. and the 'session' is usually over

On other occasions when I do 'concent' he would praise me for my 'spontanity and being myself' and hug me.. saying that I have forgiven my father.. he would hug me.. the class would laugh.. he would say 'why are you shy ? you are a beautiful person.. and you know this is right ignore those who laugh it is all only a mask.. feel my heartbeat, why are you trembling.. dont worry.. you are nice"

Such 'psychoanalytic sessions' would go on on a daily basis sometimes during class hours.. sometimes over after class.  

Such 'sessions' would also involve my parents sometimes. Namely my father. He would insist on seeing him other wise he would refuse to let me attend the viva/exam etc. The logic ? ( the exam could be on a subject of communication theories.. and my failing to forgive my self through my father is the inability to see myself through him.. is 'noise' and isn't perfect communication.. or an inability to love.. so in fact in his mind I am failed etc ) and he is trying to give myself a second chance to pass the 'exam' by brinning my dad to college and trying out a 'spontanious' exam. When my dad comes though.. he would praise him saying' dont worry.. your son is doing really well.. and you can be proud of him' etc. He wouldnt say such things when my mom visited him though. In fact he would say.. I am meeting her.. ' cos I dont have much option... she is winning today.. I am falling for that woman"

Such 'sessions' would also involve assignments. I had to right essays on 'love' and 'touch' and present it to class.

Sometimes the 'sessions' were also corrective. He would comment on what I wear.. I was not supposed to wear black clothes..or white ones.. ( polarity ) but had to wear coloured clothes. I also had to iron them.. and he  wouldnt want my mom to iron them for me too. While walking.. he would try to imitate my footsteps.. he would try to push me to a side.. block my way.. ask me to say ' good morning' and smile at him each day.. I had to report to him each morning and say 'good morning to him'.. I had to eat quite a lot each day for breakfast and report to him what I ate.
.. all the while I was 'learning'  he know that ' you wouldnt forgive yourself by yourself.. you wouldnt forgive yourself for the sake of your dad.. that why I am here.. try forgiving yourself for mysake"
also ' you would love to change your name and be someone else.. But still I love you '

I was asked to 'give up on my mom, dislike cats, give up cricket, hate England, forgive my dad, give up on computers graphics, encouraged to eat meat, encouraged to use my right hand ( i am left handed ) etc etc

The logic ? cats are selfish and I happened to mentioned that I owned a cat, cricket ? it is a gay mans orgy.. and he didnt want any students in the faculty to follow or watch the game.. England ? ruled by a queen.. lacks a father figure meaning the men havent forgiven themselves as men, computer graphics ? because learning it was not education.. it is more like tunelled vision rather than lateral thinking ? eating meat ( I was a vegitarian as a kid ) vegetarian is 'soft', left handedness ? right brain is for feelings.. and left brain for intellect.. therefore reason had to come out more it seems

It also involved 'dream interpretaion' maintainig diaries etc.. cos the subject  at that time was script writing. When I submitted my script.. even without reading it he dusted his chair with it.. and smiled at me and hinted ' I dont have to read it .. I already know the content. I can see it in your eyes.. but dont worry I will always love you' etc

How forgiving is he to the other students who are not 'learining' and not willing to show up their 'true selves' to him ? Some of them had to leave college for good. He couldnt even get to attend the marriage of two of the student just the day after graduation.. ' cos he couldnt see his true selves in them '

On his 'bad days' ( atleast once a week ) he has even challenged the students for an intellectual and physical fight and claimed that he could win each one of us cos we were not ' up for it' The class itself was a failure it seems except for certain individuals ( thats me ) cos the group dynamics wouldnt work and therefor he couldnt see himself in the group. He even challenged that that no one in the class is capable of loving and he would even place a bet on it..if only any of us were honest ewnough to even have a bet with.

Sometimes he could not concentrate because most of us were chauvenists it seems. I was particularly named in front of the class for that. The reason ? I was not controlling my anima.. meaning  I dispaced it on to a woman. The reasons are things I figured out for myself later on though.. after years of reading into his words. He would never give any explanation for his judgements ( me and the other students were never going to understand it anyway.. after all we weren't as forgiving as himself :roll: )

Sometimes he would challenge us on psychoanalysis. He would never teach it because 'it is pointless.. and he doesnt like to waste his energy' but he loves to challenge us on it claiming ' none of you are worthy enough to write any decent reprt on it.. and even if you did it would do great injustice to the field of study'. On the rare occasion when he even got himself to trying to attempt teach the subject.. he mentioned the 'Oedipus myths.. well I am not going to try tell it to you.. it might afftect a few of you here.. certainly upset atleast one guy ( me I think ) even though he wont recognise the significance of it now "

When the day is even worse.. which is atleast once a week.. he would refuse to attend class claiming 'I wont be able to see myself in the class today because as a group you are not true to yourselves and are being cowardly' Sometimes he would have 'private sessions' with me or one of his other 'special' students from junior/senior years when he douesnt attend class. He would love to inflate my ego then ..'I know you will become famour soon.. don't forget me then " He would hug me.. 'I know you are doing this becaise you like me from the deepest of your heart.. why be shy ? " then he would go on.. " why are you looking shocked ? .. my appearance.. ? it is only a mask.. I am also just like you.. also more like your dad.. appearance could be deceptive.. do you want me to shave  if that would help ? "

Sometimes he would offer to help find a girlfriend.. because he knew that I  could easily be deceived by women it seems. He even advised my dad that he needed to find a wife for me. He has even offered to name my kid if ever I got married cos he know the right name for a child born to a person such as myself it seems.

:cry: What did I learn out of him ? An intellectual monster who is so caught up in his own head.. why did he hug me ? who needed those hugs more ? who was learning from who ? who is the narcissist ? who has a problem with women ? who is the chauvvanist ? who is so unforgiving ?

While not disowning my own shortcommings I reserve the right to hate and hate with a vengence from now on this self serving, pathertic excuse of a priest who in the name of 'helping' me dumped on me his worthless and insecure self from which would I still haven't started to heel

the angry Spirit


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In the name of 'help'
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2004, 10:53:32 PM »
You have obviously come face to face with a Class A, top of the line, pathetic Narcissist and been horribly hurt by this.
I'm so sorry for you, however, i'm glad you could see it..i'm glad you identified the Nism..i'm offering you validation with this post.  You have indeed been violated.  I feel almost nauseous thinking about that man! :x

And now you're left with the grieving process.  I'm glad your parents didn't do this to you..sadly that hurts even more.
I'm glad you have used your voice and put this down in writing. I celebrate your clear -headedness as far as this is concerned.
May you get on with your life and be happy and not suffer overly from PTSD.
I'm sorry this happened to you, what a nightmare!!! :x
You won, he's lost. :D
All the best,
Nic :)
All truth passes through 3 stages
First it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed,third,it is accepted as being self evident
-Arthur Schopenhauer


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In the name of 'help'
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2004, 11:54:58 PM »

This 'priest' (so-called) is not only an N, he sounds psychopathic.  :evil: He is extremely dangerous and destructive. It's good that you can acknowledge how outraged you are. That's the beginning of the healing process. Good work.



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« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2004, 04:39:08 PM »
I am so so so glad you escaped that control freak and got out of his cult.
I dunno what to say to you 'cause I am just stunned at what you said... I hopeyou  heal and straighen out your heart after all that happened swiftly.I hope you have some real caring,genuine emotional supports helipng you where you are at now who will listen to you and feel with you through your healing process.And please do not blame yourself and feel guilty for being manipulated and used by a sociopath.
Because what you went through is just scary and it could happen to anyone.Everyone at one time or another in life is vunerable or unaware of thier own boundaries or going through stuff and are not aware of the way manipulators operate on emotions and exploit  people's fears and hopes.Everyone gets taken in sometimes,saddest part is it sometimes hurts alot and causes alot of damage inside your heart. Be gentle with yourself you have been through alot.Just remember you were strong enough to escape the sociopath's influnce and get out  and that is such a healthy positive act on your own behalf.
I'm here and I care and I hear you.


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In the name of 'help'
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2004, 09:59:41 PM »
Thanks a lot Nic, Bunny and Feline

I really feel confused dazed and stunned by these thoughts. There are now other issues that are also bothering me. I fee la bit vulnerable and stupid t obe honest.

As I would have mentioned in my earlier posts that I was with counselling woth a women counsellor when I was doing my post graduate studies. I would have attended around 15 sessions before I dropped out.

Although I didn't look at the above mentioned issue about that 'non-entity' in the same light then.. I did speak about him. When ever I did she would change topic. Why ?

If all three of you can easily see and validate my doubts, as a Counsellor couldnt she have come to the same understanding even if I spoke of the above mentioned nutter in positive light ?

Also there was an incidence where I was working part time and there was an event that was definitely emotionally abusive ( yes.. at that time I asked for it and again said 'yes' and didn't look at it as abusive ) but I did mention it to the counsellor.. she imediately changed topics.

My present counsellor who again I believe is not too sure if he wants to take me.. ( in fact he has refered me to the therapists in the hospital) asked if I had come to counselling despite my earlier experiences.. which I obviously even failed to understand were nowhere near being helpful to me

Am I addict to abuse ? I feel very very vulnerable. I am right now trying to figure out details about my past counsellor cos I don't know anything about her and I even believed that it was normal.

I am not going to trust the NHS aswell.. nor the GP nor my present counsellor.. I have decided to go for second opinions even if I feel I really need to trust the counsellor to heel..second opinion meaning I will ask questions and double check that the person I might talk is not abusive..ask the GP about the counselling body perhaps.. and the counselling body about the NHS etc but me not being the best of judges it is going to be tough and I will be earning the 'bad patient' reputation.. it is like catch 22

any advices ? also anybody know why the NHS / BACP so confusing and not transparent ? I always get a feeling that that never give meaningful answers.


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In the name of 'help'
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2004, 11:38:59 PM »
Quote from: Spirit
Although I didn't look at the above mentioned issue about that 'non-entity' in the same light then.. I did speak about him. When ever I did she would change topic. Why ?

My guess is that she didn't know how to deal with it due to incompetence. Possibly it triggered memories of her own. She sucks as a counselor, in other words.

Quote from: Spirit
Am I addict to abuse ? I feel very very vulnerable. I am right now trying to figure out details about my past counsellor cos I don't know anything about her and I even believed that it was normal.

You aren't addicted to abuse, you just don't know what good counseling should look like. Inexperience doesn't make you an addict.

I wish i could tell you about NHS but I live in the USA.


Portia as guest

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In the name of 'help'
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2004, 09:32:15 AM »
Hiya Spirit, I better apologise right now, this is a huge post. I got to thinking about you and well…(I got to thinking about Cj too, I hope he’s okay)…..

My present counsellor who again I believe is not too sure if he wants to take me.. ( in fact he has refered me to the therapists in the hospital) asked if I had come to counselling despite my earlier experiences..
Perhaps he’s not sure if he has the experience and knowledge to counsel you? That may be why he has referred you to the therapists. Your experiences may well be outside his competence.

Am I addict to abuse ? I feel very very vulnerable. I am right now trying to figure out details about my past counsellor cos I don't know anything about her and I even believed that it was normal.
I'm ignorant about lots of things. I haven’t learned about lots of things – like recent history and politics and er psychology and gardening and fashion and what the heck is a ‘cuticle pen’ anyway. But I do know what a mortgage is and the best types! And if you were here Spirit I could knock you up a decent meal (not great, just decent).

Not having the knowledge doesn’t make us stupid, just ignorant in the not-knowing sense. But we can learn. Of course you believed your counsellor was normal – you had no information to the contrary. It’s not being stupid (you said you felt stupid earlier), just a lack of information. Hey, I’ve been surfing while leaving this post aside and I’ve just found you can buy a copy of the American ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV’ for $19 on I’m amazed! I had no idea that this was in the public domain. I kinda presumed that it was reserved for students, health workers etc. That shows my level of ignorance eh? (And my outmoded childhood tape/belief that things like that are only for those in authority, adults, professionals.) Not that I’m going to buy it: I think there are more appropriate books for me to spend my £s on. Thanks Spirit, your post caused an interesting and fruitful diversion for me there!  :) Anyway, back to you….

I am not going to trust the NHS aswell.. nor the GP nor my present counsellor.. I have decided to go for second opinions even if I feel I really need to trust the counsellor to heel..second opinion meaning I will ask questions and double check that the person I might talk is not abusive..ask the GP about the counselling body perhaps.. and the counselling body about the NHS etc but me not being the best of judges it is going to be tough and I will be earning the 'bad patient' reputation.. it is like catch 22
any advices ? also anybody know why the NHS / BACP so confusing and not transparent ? I always get a feeling that that never give meaningful answers.
 What does ‘trust’ mean to you Spirit? I have problems with ‘trust’ and ‘commitment’. But I sort of decide to trust people until they prove me wrong (innocent until proven guilty?). Having said that, to make any decision, I need to gather all the information, facts, before I can decide. And strike a balance between what good might come of it and what might go wrong. Take a measured risk I guess.

I admit I don’t think much of our mental health services in the UK, but I only know very little. Disclaimer – this opinion based on very little information and therefore probably wrong! Usually to get serious help free on the National Health Service a person needs to be in danger of harming others or themselves. And if you aren’t ‘sectioned’, I’m guessing that any free service is closely aligned to the possibility of harming others or yourself.

So when they assess you, it will be on that criteria – are you a danger? If you aren’t, the free help you receive may (I’m guessing) be limited. It’s not that you are being judged by the NHS, it’s simple a matter of prioritising. There are people murdering and suiciding or those who are potential harmers who qualify for the most intensive help. If - and I hope this doesn’t happen but it might - you don’t receive very much help, it’ll be because in the eyes of the NHS, you simply don’t need it, you won’t be sick enough! :roll:  :?  

I agree with asking lots of questions to get at the facts, like: ‘have you worked with abused adult children before?’ for example.

but me not being the best of judges
 and who is? Hey you’ve got more experiences than me, that probably makes you a much better judge than me in this area. That priest could walk all over me for quite a while, but not you now I guess? You’d know better? Making mistakes is okay, that’s how we learn. The worse thing is to do nothing out of fear of getting it ‘wrong’. Then we stop learning. I’m a rubbish judge of people, honest. That’s just me. But I can learn to be a better one, just need more experience and take the time to think about relationships and what happens in them. It’s not easy, it’s hard work, but it must be worth it?

I will be earning the 'bad patient' reputation
 What does this mean to you? What is a bad patient? One who doesn’t conform, who doesn’t get ‘better’ based on someone else’s timescale? Mental health isn’t competitive and it isn’t like fixing a broken leg. There is no one correct way to counsel someone, or go through therapy with them. There really isn’t. Lots of published psychotherapists say this. It’s about how the patient and therapist connect with each other and how experienced and flexible the therapist is, amongst other things. And there is no such thing as a ‘bad patient’. Even if there were, it wouldn’t be you. Hey :idea:  it would be your mother and father! And that {expletive not typed} priest. Now they could be ‘bad’ patients, if they wouldn’t see anything awry about themselves in the first place. Recognising that you want help and wanting to change yourself make you a great patient. The best! :D  (But what do I know? It's easy to read this, understand it and write it here, but to do it? Very difficult.)

know why the NHS / BACP so confusing and not transparent ?
I used to work in a confuse-opoly. The kind of place where we used to write customer information in very small print, in language so obtuse that hopefully the customers couldn’t work out what it meant. ‘Put your money with us and get 10% a year return’ – the small print said, in legal lingo, ‘but you might lose all your money too’. Disgraceful. I won’t work like that again. So why are they confusing and not transparent?

Because mental health services in the UK are in a mess. They’re in their infancy, it ain’t like the States (which of course is perfect yes? There's another one of my incorrect beliefs!). We don’t have insurance at work that really covers us for therapy – well some, but you have to be in complete breakdown mode before it kicks in – i.e. unable to function at work, in society. It‘s not confusing to confuse on purpose, it’s simply under-funded and run, like many things, by folks who are overworked, or looking after their own interests or simply trying to do a good job against the odds. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s incompetence. We have to work around it, accept it's not perfect.

I didn’t mean to ramble on your thread Spirit but I have. Maybe some of this highly-opinionated stuff might help. Take it with a pinch of salt, I haven’t done any research, it’s just what I’ve gleaned from Radio 4, stuff I’ve heard second-hand etc.

But good luck. Take whatever help you can get. Ask questions. And keep coming back here for lots of opinions. If you worry about what a counsellor says, why not ask here? Lots of people here to give an opinion back. Use the board like another counsellor. What do you think Spirit? Hope I haven’t put you off the NHS – it’s there to be used and I really want you to get good value out of it. And then tell us about it coz I can learn from what you say. I’d love to know what goes on so I have some more information about it all. Maybe you can put me right and tell me it’s fantastic! I hope so. Very best wishes P


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In the name of 'help'
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2004, 10:06:13 AM »
If you need some light relief of the ‘isn’t the world strange?’ variety, go to and search for the DSM (in full), it’s worth reading all the reviews. Especially one reviewer who is supporting the DSM against some rather sarcastic/flaming other reviews. He says amongst other things:

“Maybe you people should stop spending your welfare money on alcohol and get a job.”  Wow!   :shock: So helpful huh!  :roll:  Amazing. Fancy taking the time to post that and identify yourself. People amaze me, really.

Thank goodness there are people like you Spirit in this world - and many others here on this board.  :D P


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In the name of 'help'
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2004, 12:59:59 PM »
Spirit, I hope I wasn't too downbeat yesterday on the NHS. After all, the most important thing is being able to relate to and trust your therapist/counsellor to do their best for you. ..while still looking out for your own interests. :)  Take care of yourself, P