Dear Beth,
I am sorry about the loss of this special person. She sounds like what a mother should be. Your friend was fortunate to have her, and you, also.
It is always a shock when we lose s/one we love, even if it was ''expected"'. I don't think death is ever 'really" expected.
As far as your feelings toward your M, you just have to be honest.
One thing that made me "crazy' was trying to make my M 'normal" ,in my own mind.
I remember flying home from college and taking a Valium ,on the plane.
I wanted my M to be "normal. I wanted to be a "normal" kid ,coming home from college to see a "normal," loving M,like my Aunt or GM.
IF I could have faced the truth(or had s/one be honest with me),I would not have had to retreat in to emotional illness.
So, I think that your honesty is healthy, Beth. Honesty, to ourselves, is always healthy(IMO) Love Ami