Hey Guys,
I just had to bring this up as I noticed it/figured it out this week...
I have been enjoying watching and studying birds while we have lived in Virginia. My kids and I got books on VA birds and we set out a bird feeder and we watch to see who comes. I have learned a bit about a lot of birds.
But I always feel like it is a "test" and I am not sure if I am passing. Did I really see a Carolina Chicadee? What if it was a Black Cap???? I can't ever feel like I can really "check off" a bird, because what if it wasn't that one, but one like it.
Is that warped or what????? I feel like I need someone to "check my work" and prove that I am right.
I guess tis is why I am having problems dealing with accepting the Nishness of my M and moving along???????
But also, personality-wise, soes that mean I still seek approval? Or what???????
Anyone relate??? Have ideas????
Love, Beth