Author Topic: For Ami -- part 2  (Read 905 times)


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For Ami -- part 2
« on: April 18, 2008, 01:06:00 PM »

I forgot something I wanted to tell you:

There is an excellent, excellent book that I read recently: The Drama of the Gifted Child, by Alice ... darned, I can never remember her last name. I want to say Miller. Not sure if that's correct. I get mixed up with Alice Waters, the chef. (LOL.)

I had known about the book for years but never read it; I did so after my experience with my N pastor this winter. It is so provocative and I found it possibly the most insightful book I have ever read. (I stopped reading self-help books, mostly, about 20 years ago. Most of what we need is not in the books, although they can be helpful; it's in doing "the work." And you have to consider that many of them are done for a highly personal agenda. Not so this book.)

It was written for therapists to evaluate their own selves to assist their work as therapists. However, anyone can read it. I have a cornea problem that makes it very difficult for me to read -- although I used to be a voracious reader -- but I'll tell you, this book was so captivating, and spoke to me so well, that I read it almost without stopping. And I plan to go back and read it again, soon.

I don't know if it will speak to you as well, but I found it helpful in understanding both the N and especially myself, since I'm the opposite of an N. (Although he and I are in so many ways the same person; there's just some point at which he turned left and I turned right; or maybe he stopped and went on, or maybe both, I don't know).

At any rate, I found in this book the big messages of what I now need to change in my life; it really helped me understand my experience with my family a lot. There were no Ns in my family, but some of the patterns are similar and what she talks about is certainly true.

So, I highly recommend it. If you could only read one book that's what I would recommend; just keep in mind that I come from a slightly different point of view since I didn't have to contend with Ns in my family.


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Re: For Ami -- part 2
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2008, 01:36:49 PM »
I have the Alice Miller book, LilyCat. I will have to read it,again. I know I was not ready the first time.
 LilyCat, what types of "damage" do you think you have from your childhood? If your parents were not N's, how would you classify them ,if you could? Was your F abusive, physically? What was your M like?
 What were the feelings about yourself that you picked up from childhood?
 if you care to, I would love to hear.                  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung