I agree drinking too much doesn't help, although if you are at a place where you say, "I'll either drink myself into a stupor or throw myself off a bridge," well, OK, booze it up. I think something like what my family's going through right now, and you've gone through, is a great clarifier. My NF was a terrible influence on my life, but no more. It sounds simplistic, but no more. I have today. I have tomorrow. I've been given more in life than this kid has, we have to support him so he can walk, he weighs under 40 lbs. now; he didn't ask for this unending pain, either, at five years old. And there's so much suffering in the world. So I'm simply turning my back and walking away from my NF--not from my F entirely, that's up to him, but from his N side, ENTIRELY. From now on, any interaction is on my terms and my rules. All communications written, no verbal, so he can't squirrel out. If that doesn't work for him, fine. We won't have any relationship. I'm OK with that, for the rest of my life. Like your NM, he had no capacity to love me, OK. So now we're adults, and if he wants any sort of bond, he can apply, and let me know what he's offering, and maybe it'll work and maybe it won't, but I feel no obligation either way. Life's too short. And you know, that feels fine to me. Hope you feel less desperate now, hang in there, keep the faith.