Thank you for your post, that helps.
It really IS a horror to be put to a social death in your community because of lies and slander.
But, from what I have read the person who lies, manipulates, distorts and deceives usually hangs themselves with their own lies and slander...people catch on, people get smart.
God is teaching me patience. He is teaching me that there is a season for His justice and His ways in handling dishonest people...I've done everything I could do within the bounds of integrity and principal that I could, the rest is in God's hands.
God just wants me to bear my cross with strength, prayer and grace....He wants me to heal and be happy. The pain is still there.
Today I feel anger again but I can control it and stay with it without running or acting well as I get under it to the raw hurt while I just ask forgiveness for those that have caused me pain...more suffering...bleh!