At this point I can admit that I feel 'ganged up upon'
I can think of only 3 posters who have not taken part in disparaging me.
I can think of a few, whose posts are 'unreadable'..... meaning I feel they are sitting on the fence and don't want to say what they really feel. That is cowardice!
Then there are the ones who don't understand/know me at all. That is lack of interest or maturity.
Then there are some who are so 'grounded' in their own misery that they hate me. That is envy.
I posted (before) about an incident involving my siblings. I was a bed wetter and had to sleep with my mother. My 3 sisters shared a big bedroom and my brother, the youngest, who would be 6, slept with my dad....and no he is not gay. I was about 10 at the time. I was changing my clothes in my bedroom, door shut--on the farm, the house was old and doors didn't close as they do now--but it warped open at the top.
I heard a noise and a giggle outside the door and later that day I was called 'Baldy' by all 4 of my siblings. I had no pubic hair at the time and had no idea what the nickname was meaning. It was so hurtful from my little brother and my younger sister.
I mentioned the incident to them when they came to see me last summer and neither one had recollection of this. They were instructed by one of the 2 older sisters, and the one I suspect is the one that I suspect is an N.
They also 'ganged up on me' because I had brown hair and they were all red-heads. There was a song out one year back then ...let's see.. ummm...1947-50 "Everybody Loves Redhead" It was constantly on the radio and the 4 of them, joined hands after making a circle with me in the middle and sang the song while skipping around in a circle and wouldn't let me out.
My eldest sister told me I was adopted.
Those are things from childhood, that have no meaning to me now, but I never went to my mother about the teasing and taunting. These are long ago incidents, but the ganging up here rang one Hell of an Ugly Bell.
This can be such a pleasant home for the voiceless ones to regain a voice, but that voice, as well as my own, ought to be helpful and not hurtful.
My sincere apologies to you, Ami.
My sincere apologies to you, Gabben
My sincere apologies to you, Leah
My sincere apologies to you, tt
My sincere apologies to you, Beth
My sincere apologies to you, Gaining Strength
My sincere apologies to you, Dr. Grossman, for whatever part I played in the upset on your Board
My sincere apologies to anyone I have forgotten