On my 'Smoke and Mirrors'-thread (a sockpuppetry warning), you said my 'speculations are certainly false'. That effectively ended the discussion. It looks like I've made a terrible mistake, after all: you dispose of moderating tools that deliver facts whereas I have no more to go on than common sense and some linguistic skills.
I'm glad I had some time today to think this through, because I was amazed and shocked by your response and by the fact I could be so far wrong.
So I reexamined my thought processes, possible triggers, the material that led me to my conclusions, also the various responses made to my thread, and you know what? My mind won't budge... I just can't figure out where I went off-track, I still believe my analysis to be correct. And:
I believe you're being had.
I have no idea how it's done and I'm the first one to realise how absolutely preposterous this sounds, but I really cannot come to any other conclusion. I know this means I will have to leave the board.
I can also look at this situation in another way: if you're right and I'm wrong (and I do realise that's a distinct possibility), then my single most effective and dependable survival tool, that has helped me navigate difficult life circumstances with reasonable success, my head, does not function properly in the setting of this board. Therefore I should go.
Richard, I hope this message doesn't come across as agressive or disrespectful because that is certainly not my intention. I've found your work interesting and valuable. I'm actually working with one of the resources you made available, Three Good Things in Life. Tonight I hope to be able to write that I left the board with dignity.
I wish you well, as I do all the members here and I thank you for all the insights I've received.
Is it OK if I cancel my membership tomorrow morning (I live in Europe)?
Thank you