--is a woman with silver hair but a very 'tough'-looking face. I see her on the sidewalk outside the condo building as tho' lying in wait--
First time we met) was a short conversation about disabilities, but I don't know what hers might be, as I didn't expect to be seeing her again.
Second time we met) was a little longer conversation about odds and ends and more about disabilities and the difference between our Federal Disability Plan and the Provincial Plan. She is on the latter, I receive the former.
Third time we met) she began to become more personal, told me she owes the Gov't over $2,000.00 because she had too much money in the bank, and has been cut off her cheques until she pays $$$ back. Too much info for me without expecting that the next question will be "Could you lend me the money?" I excused myself with gbroceries and frozen food.
Today I was downtown selling jewelery, depositing the cheque into my bank and on my way back to do some other errands when suddenly, there she was again, but on the street corner---
Said to me, "There she is !What are you up to?"
I felt uncomfortable, raised and eyebrow, smiled a ½ smnile , said, "...different things... " and rolled right along.
Somehow I cannot connect to her and hope she is not expecting a friendship....I would NOT be able to do it!
Just a post about annoying people,,,,......................... I will handle her.