I got a new book endorsed by Alice Miller. It talks about how to reclaim your life by going to the deepest levels and healing those frozen emotions.
I was talking to James, about "control".
I never realized that I EVEN controlled(lol)
It is so funny to me that I never even "knew" what control really was, in a practical ,functional way, how it "looked"
I see that my stomach aches are a way to control the outside so I can be "good"( taking care of other people's emotions) . If I am "good", I will be "safe".
Today, I am going to study the Alice Miller website.
My body and soul are so tired of replaying my relationship with my M,over and over.
I think of Kelly, trying to get away from her M, physically.
I AM away, physically, but it does not even matter that much, b/c she is in my very cells. Ami