Morning all
Right...back onto my favorite subject: Narcissism.
Imagine if you will, the latest boy band on stage strutting their stuff. One on lead guitar, one on piano, one on drums and the lead singer bouncing around making love to the microphone. The performance is brill and the audience of 20,000 are rocking. Each member of the band are strumming their stuff like old pro's. Suddenly there's a loud bang from behind the stage and that silk smooth performance comes crashing through the gearbox.
In but a very few seconds, the audience get to find out the shocking truth. You see the boys tried to carry on, but without the backing tape! The drummer actually can't play the drums.....well only at the level of a 5 year old. The lead guitar would get better results plucking his teeth, the pianist performances like a schizophrenic having a bad day......and should stick to 'Three Blind Mice'! As for 'boy blunder', the lead singer, he's tone deaf and sounds like a pack of rabid dogs on heat! Basically they're bloody awful! It's fifth to first gear in one jumps with the gearbox in pieces all over the floor.
It's about image, they look good, but sound shite! They're actors, not musicians....and definately not singers! So why did their legions of wonderful adoring fans buy into them in the first place? Because the bands management are really very good! They've packaged the band and sold it without it ever having to really perform. As long as they jump around the stage, look good and say the right things to interviewers, the management will do the rest. They'll get other to professional singers to sing the song, professional musicians to play the music and above all, a good sound man to record and mix it all to the highest standard!
So the audience are watching the boys perform on stage....but they're not! The guys really performing are probably nowhere near the place. It was all done in studio months ago and at best, the sound man is there tonight and all he did was press to play button! Welcome to the real world of Nacissism and NPD! The truth is that the boys are crap and would have difficulty holding down a job at Burger King flipping burgers. It's a fantasy that has been cleverly designed and sold to you. It's not real...but we swallow it! We pay little heed to what's going on behind the scenes because it's not important anyway! Like all good magicians, our focus is totally on watching him and not what's really happening!
Narcissists with NPD are in some shape or fashion like the above. What you see, is what you've been sold! It isn't the truth and by a bloody long shot! I believe that these people have almost alien like personalities to us! They really are from out of space imitating what they feel we want to believe. It is like the TV programme 'Third Rock from the Sun' in every sense bar one, they're not really aliens from out of space. They're poeple like you and I. But to them, they're unique....special.....brillaint.....god/godess like!
A Cerebral and Somatic NPDer are on and the same. I think both tend to be more one than the other at base, but will probably swing both ways during their lives. At base a Cerebral will tend to use their supposed higher intelligence and academic/business success. Sex is one of their weapons, but not the first they'd use. They'll seduce on brains, power and position. Yes they'll be 'into' sex....but only to acquint you will how wonderful the entire package of their brilliance is. They'd rather intellectually bonk than physically (they give great head

so to speak)! The fact that they're probably as thick as shit, will escape their reality! More often than not, they'll avoid physical contact with you over time. They don't really like having to perform for the benefit of's toooo beneath them!!
Both tend to have incredible ego's, so large, aircraft hanger doors won't be big enough for them to get through! Somatics are primarilly about beauty and projected image, so they rely on sex appeal hugely! They seduce upon their reflected image. You see, you smile, they smile cos they see you like's a circle! They listen to what you want...and give it to you. You let them know you like it, they reflect in that! Cerebrals work the same way, but on a more intellectual basis. Both use sex to secure what they want, but the cerebral tends to use it as an aid to other things. A somatic tends to use it purely to support their beauty/image. "Heshe looks great and is fantastic in the sack".......these are the kind of things they love to hear.....they know they've gotten you hooked!
Somatics can be the biggest male/female sluts that you'll ever know! They have no limits and are capable of anything you could conceivably think of behind closed doors....or for that matter come to think of it, anywhere!!! But remember, it's all an act to secure what they're after and will only be performed whilst they continue to want whatever it is!
Cerebrals and Somatics bore easily as time goes by. Having secured what they where after, they less and less pay attention to maintaining the situation. They become lazy! This is were the 'front' drops and the real business of an NPDer starts. Just like the boys on stage, you get to see who they really are!! They in turn don't like the new image you're reflecting to them.......the truth!!! They start to withdraw and to seek alternate supplies for the NS (Narcissistic Supply) that you gave!
Your life becomes hell cos you can't figure out the logic of the situation you find yourself in. You're making the biggest mistake of your life: your're trying to reason and rationalise (rationalize for our American matey's). This is were you will screw your brains up and loose big time. Being fair, will be another one of the things that backfire upon you.
I developed certain type 'guerilla' style tactics that one can use against an NPDer. Remember, ego is everything to them and this makes them incredibly vunerable!!! You can have sooooooo much fun with one if you know how to play them! You can in the end run rings round them....and they'll be blind to it all!

Important words: No contrition (they don't have any), No compassion (they don't have any), No morals (they don't have any)!