Hi, Lise,
Movies are one of my many areas of ignorance, so I'm not familiar with the storyline of that one... although the name rings a bell, from tv ads, I guess.
Just finally saw the Star Wars movies on tv, a couple weeks ago (well, a good part of them)... for the first time ever!
Where was I all those years? Not in control of the remote control, that's for sure... and we never went to see a show.
So now, I'm catching up on all those lost years and maybe by the time I'm 85 I'll be up to speed... lol.
Anyhow, yes - it's very peaceful here... like a wildlife sanctuary (especially all of the birds!) and quite safe. Especially with my ponygirl and her deep, ferocious bark... and strangers who aren't sure whether or not she just might bite them

Ahh, I have a weird sense of humor, but that did tickle me.
I love dogs, too... and critters of all sorts, in fact. We have 3 dogs - 2 little and 1 extra large

If we had the finances, this place would be a zoo. What am I saying...? ... it practically is a zoo now! But the dogs are my favorites (although the ferret ranks a close second - lol - he is a clown). The bird is quite a character, too. He's a cockatiel, named Micah. Got him for myself as a 40th bday present and he's the only critter around whose been through all of the worst with me (and still loves me).
Sometimes those everyday encounters show me way more immaturity left in myself than I want to see, but I think that even those times are occasions to practice forgiving ourselves for not being perfect (yay!) and to remember how very much each one of us is dependent on God's grace. When I catch myself doin something really right, nobody's more surprised than I am, at this point... lol. Truth. Not that I never did right things before, just they were for all the wrong reasons... mainly out of fear. That's what's gone now, for the most part... the fear.
Sometimes still, I get afraid of myself - knowing just how far down I can slip.... but since I didn't pull myself up out of the dumps in the first place, it's getting easier not to worry about all that.
I hope your tomorrow is bright and shiny, Lise.
We live in the midst of nowhere, at a dead end, surrounded by a river and unused pasture/woods, with a private road behind which only goes to one house.
Well, a short while ago, I was out back with one of my dogs (the pony sized one - lol) when a man appeared, walking down the road... and my ponygirl didn't much care for the looks of him. No idea who he is or what he's doing back here, unless he walked all the way across the pastureland from the road, a mile or so away. SO - - he has a mild encounter with my ferocious sounding marshmallow pup, before she hears me hollering "Biscuit!!!" and comes to check it out. When he gets nearer to where I'm standing, this guy says (in a not-too-pleasant tone), "I didn't know whether she was gonna bite me!" And I said,
"Well... you never can tell!"
As I was reading your story above about the stranger and your dog and I thought of the movie 'No Country for Old Men.' Not to scare you...but where you live sounds peaceful and it brought me joy to imagine the landscape. I am a country girl at heart myself, growing up in Boise of all places.
I love dogs.
It is funny how when we are going through a growth spurt or just have been through one that our simple daily encounters can be the real telling of our changes within. It really does come down to our automatic responses and the moment when we see ourselves responding differently without effort is the moment that we know our growth.