Yesterday I went out with my friend (N or something) on an emergency run to a hospital. Not a big deal and nothing to do with her children.
Anyway when we got back we went to pick up her kids and it is like living in the military. Do this, do that, didn't you do this, whats that, pick up this, your not fast enough, Helloooo, I'm speaking to you can you move any faster, OMG it was horrible. I wanted to scream SHUT UP but I know if I did she would have went off on them more. It is like living at Mommy Boot Camp but worse.
I had noticed that the girls look over at me when M is on her rampage and rants. I wasn't sure if they were embarrassed or looking to see if I see what they see.
Then yesterday when M went on her rampages and rants all along while I was speaking to the one D, as she kept doing what she was told, she looked at me (M was in another room screaming orders) and said, She Hates Me. I said, what did you say and she repeated, She Hates me. We spoke low and carefully. I didn't know what to say. She is just short of 12. I said, I don't think your M hates you, do you really think she does or are you kidding, just mad. She said, no she really hates me. It does not matter what I do, how much I do, she just hates me. She goes from Angry to Nice her mood swings are constant and she Hates Me.
I had to be quick and quiet but I told her that her mom has a lot of problems and they were not because of her. There is something wrong and it was with their mom and not them. I told her maybe she needs to have a talk with her mom and she looked panicked and said, NOT NOW, she's angry. I agreed with her and then M walked back in. So we shut up but did the whole huggy thing before I left and looked at each other with the, I know, kind of looks.
The D has never came right out and said anything like this. Not straight out and I was taken back and have to be very carefull what I do with this.
And I'm not sure if I should do anything with this as far a the M. If I speak to her and I know we will get into an argument over this it just might make her go back and do the, What goes on in this house, stays in this house, So I may make it worse for the D that she will never speak and become even more voiceless.
So for now I keep the secret. Until they reveal it and if they don't then it stays, not completely voiceless because I'm hearing them but voiceless with the M.
I really don't know what to say or how to say things. I just pretty much validate and comfort as much as I can. I don't know how to heal her heart for her M neglect (emotional) neglect. She also, expressed that she is confused at how sometimes she can be nice then turn it all around to feel like she is being hated again.
and I can't even tell her because, I don't Know,and I'm 51 can't imagine a 12 year old trying to figure this out.
So I say nothing to M now. Do you think this is the right thing? I don't want to make it worse.