Ami I relate to what you are saying. In common with many here, for years I was the person in my FOO with 'the problem' because I was the scapegoat. Well, I still am, in their system. But whatever.
Point is - for years I was trying to solve myself as 'the problem.' I took 'the problem' seriously and you know, therapy, psych classes, books, exploring, trying to solve myself. Taking on everything that came up - my frustration, losing patience, the way parts of me would rise up against submitting, surrendering, agreeing, accepting - all parts of 'the problem' that was Iphi that was such a tsk tsk tsk burden and cross to my dad.
All lies.
But for years I was intellectually trying to strategize, scrutinize, and solve 'the problem.' But I couldn't because the actual experience, my empirical experience, was reporting absolutely different evidence than the putative, so-called 'problem.' The evidence of my actual feelings, actual eyes, actual gut, actual experience, the actual happenings - all add up to a completely different story than the mythology of my FOO.
But within my FOO there is no place for that story - that story makes me a heretic, and an exile.
For me, intellectualizing served a purpose of trying to straddle the gap, resolve the chasm, between myth and reality, so I wouldn't have to give up - my family. It's just another way I was trying to solve the problem in the family. I've always been trying to find a way to give myself up so I could have my family, but I cannot manage to give up my actual subjective experience of consciousness. Every day, I wake up as myself - every day I am in this subjective experience of consciousness that is telling me that the family myth is false. I've been trying to climb out of myself for years, but I can't. I am locked into this life as Iphi. That suits my FOO fine since I am 'the problem' and they like that story fine, but naturally I wanted to find a solution.
Turns out the solution is choosing to actually experience my actual experience and pay attention to the evidence of my own experience. To allow myself to 'know what I know.'
But still I have stomach aches when I go against my training. And obsessive fears and really persistent feelings of inferiority, shame and outrage against myself trying to 'put myself forward' unjustly. I think we've touched on some months ago that for me it is very much about my mind, taking myself seriously, being free to take part in life, being free to advance myself as an equal to anybody, feeling that I can work toward something and make it happen - instead of feeling that I can only work toward things for others and must do it for free and anonymously.
I hope this sharing of my experience of intellectualization and subjective experience is helpful.