I'm really feeling the burning humiliation of exclusion and rejection today. Automatically my mind reviews our relationships and tries to find some reason for it. In a larger way, I know the reasons for it and they are not my problem - they are not anything I can do anything about, or ever could.
This is revisiting the original trauma of being forced into the scapegoat/black sheep role and nothing I could say or do could get me out of it.
I feel anger, desperation, anguish.
This is why I need so much distance from my dad in the first place.
It is so hard to live with someone who not only projects on you and constantly belittles and orders you about - not only the one-on-one relationship, but the way they trash you to all your other connections.
It's hard to believe I can just let go of it. That my life doesn't depend on convincing them to see me as a human.
There's a big part of me that feels that, unless I can get them to acknowledge me, to relent, to listen, to hear - that I cannot live successfully That anything I try to do will fail. Literally that I cannot survive. It's literally like I need permission from my family that they will never give.
It's at such a primitive, deep, primal level.
This experience is really giving me the opportunity to acknowledge this in all its aspects. This is my deepest fear, I think. This is what I have been running from, trying to fix.
Hope is really horrible, I think. Is hope a part of denial? For me, it has been.
I think that what I am feeling is the whole history of it that I have kept out, frozen out. Really, my relatives have always held me off. They have never been loving toward me. The denial and the hope have combined in me to make excuses for their lack of care or interest or even decency. In truth, their current actions are completely in character of who they really are, but I have made them out to be better people than that, by coming up for other possible (imaginary, better) reasons for the things they do or don't do.
I need to have a hurricane blow away the goo of these relationships in order to clear the decks for better.
I might need to reserve this space for more venting.