Letting go of hate was a major advancement on my road to recovery, long before I knew what all I was going to have to face within myself. (What a long road I'm on- phew!)
At times hate would take over my thoughts for days. I couldn't get the person out of my head, and how they wronged me. Someone had told me to pray for the person - that it really works, and would get them out of my head. Finally desperate enough I tried it.
How do I pray for someone I hate? That was the big question, it would be hypecritical. Don't laugh, but hear my prayer:
"Dear Lord bless "So&so", just bless them and take care of them, and get them out of my head. Now Lord, you know I don't mean a single word I'm saying about blessing them, but ignore how I
really feel and just do it anyway and please, please get them out of my head. Amen"
When I first tried this I did it like maybe 10-15 times (only when I thought of them) in a day, then less and less as a few days went by, then suddenly I realized I hadn't thought of them in weeks. And when I would think of them and what they did, the engulfing hate wasn't there anymore. What they did was still wrong and hurt me deeply, but I could shrug my shoulders so to speak. The hate that was killing
me was gone. I was released.
I grew to hate my kids father more after my divorce then before. I did not think that I would ever live to see him suffer. But ya know he remarried nearly 20 years ago. As it turns out his wife is a controlling B**tch from he!!. Maybe he has been "blessed" with this woman.

I'm so happy for you that you decided to let it go, things can only get better for you. Hate is a poison that consumes us, and we can feel so much better if we wash it out of our system. Sometimes it just takes some extra scrubbing.
Blessings on your journey to self
