Author Topic: Lupita--Please Share Your Steps in Healing  (Read 4904 times)


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Re: Lupita--Please Share Your Steps in Healing
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2008, 12:12:37 PM »
Hi Hops, absolutly, agree with you.

For example, if you are a person very strict and you follow the rules and respect others and have high moral standards, (I do), do you think you are going to feel attracted to a person who is trying to bit the system? parking in disable spots? contanstly overdriving his bank account? No!!!!!! I dont think so!

And it is the same with other kind of qualities. If you like to play cards, probably you will have more in common with somebody who plays cards.

Or if you like the beach and your dates hates the sun, and the sand, and the salty water, how do you think you are going to like it? I dont think so.

And so on..... probably it is affinity.


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Re: Lupita--Please Share Your Steps in Healing
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2008, 03:05:16 PM »
Hi Hops, absolutly, agree with you.

For example, if you are a person very strict and you follow the rules and respect others and have high moral standards, (I do), do you think you are going to feel attracted to a person who is trying to bit the system? parking in disable spots? contanstly overdriving his bank account? No!!!!!! I dont think so!

And it is the same with other kind of qualities. If you like to play cards, probably you will have more in common with somebody who plays cards.

Or if you like the beach and your dates hates the sun, and the sand, and the salty water, how do you think you are going to like it? I dont think so.

And so on..... probably it is affinity.

Thanks for sharing this Lupita. I always hear that two opposites attract,  which I'm sure is exciting for a short time. BTDT not lasting. lol
Funny though my husband and I are a lot alike. Share the same values, parenting, activities etc. and we are very happy and very much in love, 21 years and counting. Maybe this is why?   love seasons
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Re: Lupita--Please Share Your Steps in Healing
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2008, 12:07:48 PM »
Thank you seasons. That si where I am. Working on it. Working on detachmente and working on let go and working on forgiveness. Very important steps to live. To be able to survvive.

Let go fo the past. To survive. The past is heavy baggage uf you carry it around you end up destruiying your body and your soul. I just came around three months ago, out from very dark, sad, and lonely life.



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Re: Lupita--Please Share Your Steps in Healing
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2008, 12:19:08 PM »

(((( Lupita ))))

Truly, I am so very happy for you.

God Bless You every step of the way ahead.


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Re: Lupita--Please Share Your Steps in Healing
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2008, 06:28:35 PM »
Lea, thank you. I think I screwed up today. I am so jealouse of my son's GF that I keep making negative comments about her. I know it is bad, I know it is bad, I know it. I have to stop. I have to detach from that. I want to give peace to my son. I need for him to enjoy the moments he spends with me. It is just such an obsession to say negative things about her. Please, God forgive me and allow me to be a better mother and allow me to accept that woman, because I do not have a choice. Please. God, help me accept what i cant change. I dislike her so much! I have to change the way I view her so I can feel less negative about her. After all, it is his choice, not mine. God help me!!!!

Anyway, now he is gone, he is with the girl friend. I smiled to her and gave her a hug but I know that all day I was talking sh*t about it to my poor son, who was stoically putting up with me.

God, forgive me please.


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Re: Lupita--Please Share Your Steps in Healing
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2008, 10:58:50 PM »

God has already given you the strength. Look at you, you are speaking the truth, right from your heart.
Even admitting you maybe over did it with your son.
Just recognising this is a testament to your unconditional love for you son. He is very blessed.

You know what you can control and what you cannot. Like GF. It must be very hard not to like her, my heart really goes out to you.
I know you want your son close and not push him away with bad GF talk. I understand. (((Hugs)))

Kudos for giving a smile and a hug. Your trying so hard.
Just a thought, rant all you want about GF right here!

I will pray for you Lupita. seasons

"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou


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Re: Lupita--Please Share Your Steps in Healing
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2008, 09:50:09 AM »
Seasons, you have a great idea.
I dont like her because she is good for nothing, she watches soup operas, she does not read, she does not work, she only goes to college, her mother provides her with everything, she does not talk to me, she does not convers with mne, she always ognores me, she does not go out with my son and I, she never wabts to do anything as a family together, she does not like salty water, she dopes not like to swim, she does not exercise, she has a credit cartd that her mother pays, she does not want to walk, she goes to the mall and buys a lot of clothing, she does not play an instrument, she is empty, she does not go to church, and her mother is a selfish narcissistic bitch and this girl is asperger.

Thank you for listening.


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Re: Lupita--Please Share Your Steps in Healing
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2008, 01:36:04 PM »
God forgive me.

I am lableling her. Calling her Asperger. I will not do that again. Please forgive me. I will not do it again.

I call her ertarded. She is not retarded, she is just very slow, but who am I to call her. She is just stilling my baby from me. It is his life, he has the right to have somebody to love him. I feel so bad. Please, God forgive me.

Please God forgive me for torturing my son all day yesterday. I am so jealouse!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :oops:

Sorry so much sorry.


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Re: Lupita--Please Share Your Steps in Healing
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2008, 06:07:40 PM »
For healing, I am concentrating on feeling better after I was disgusted by GFM and her egotistic slefish narcissistic attitude.

I almost feel good now after a few minutes. I know after I go to the jaccuzi and swim and have a drink, I will feel wonderful.


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Re: Lupita--Please Share Your Steps in Healing
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2008, 10:28:27 PM »
Forgive yourself, Lupita...

You don't mean to be so jealous, it's just a very powerful feeling you're having trouble handling.

Maybe when you're feeling it you could always be sure to separate...back away...go do something healing and fulfilling for yourself until you feel balanced again. Like go to a museum and spend an hour in silence with the art, or walk in nature, or go to a Migun dealer for a free relaxing thermal massage, or go to a new church and listen to the choir, or go for a dance class.

As soon as the feeling comes up, you have an appointment with yourself for some self-nurturing.

Hope that might help, ignore if it doesn't...

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Lupita--Please Share Your Steps in Healing
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2008, 05:22:36 AM »
Gracias Hopalong. It is 5:00 AM and been up since 2:00 am thinking of GFM, and how she is going to impact my life at church. If she gives money (she has money) they are going to adore her, and I am employed by the church. I have the sneaky suspition that she is going to be a member just to exercise control over me. What a bitch.