Thank you Ami and Hops.
Number 7
Let go the need to be right. You want to be right or you want to be happy? I want to be happy. I want to feel good. I cannot let other people's opinion define me and tell me how to feel. The opinion of others is beyond my control.
You cannot control what other people think. You cannot control what other people think of you. Their opinion is nothing but thoughts. And that is beyond your control. If you talk to 10 people you have ten opinions, if you talk to 37 people you have 37 opinions. Can I make my students happy? Some times I will make some students happy and some times I will make some students unhappy. Can I control how they feel? No!!!! Should I feel bad for my students who are unhappy? No way Jose!!!!!!!!!!
Let go and let God control your life. He is perfect and he knows better for you.
Number 8
Do not chase your dreams. Just allow them to happen when ever God wants it to. You are not your relationships, "Oh, if I only had a boyfriend who loved me!!!" No!!! If you had a boyfriend who loved you and you do not love your self, youa re going to be unhappy and find deffects in your new boyfriend. "Oh If I only had a good job where I was appreciated!" No!!! If you had a good job and you did not love your self you would end up hating the new job too. Let go and let God control uour life.
Number 9
Be in a constant state of gratitud. For the blood that goes through your veins, for the air that goes through your lungs, for the food that comes to your stonmach, food that probably miserable migrant workers cultivated, and for everything you have.
Never cry for what you do not have. God hears what you are missing and will send you more of what you do not have. But if you are grateful for what you have God will send you more abundance.
Number 10
If you want to attract people who are non judgmental and gentil, and generous and forgiving, you have to forgive, you have to give, you have to refrain from judging and critizicing etc. You attract what you are, and if you want to attract a good person you have to be a good person, if you are selfish you will attract a selfish person, etc.
Thank you for your encouragement!!!!