I agree with Beth
The choice is yours to make.
I really doubt my parents were Ns but they were dysfunctional and 'made a mess of me'. but I went for appearances sake, that's all, for the aunts and uncles and other people I would see.
Often there are so many nice eulogies, but my brother and younger sister handled the personal stuff and none of it was what great people they were. They spoke of more humerous and earthly stories. The minister did the regular 'praying stuff'.
I didn't miss either of mine, either.
My eldest sister make a remark to me when Dad was in the hopsital dying, (3 months there, then 3 months at home) about not going to see Dad in hospital, and I knew Mom had said something to her. I was doing their tax returns and went once for him to sign it.
So I also knew I would have grief from the siblings if I didn't go.