Dear Lise,
This is just a suggestion. Compost if it doesn't seem right. Alice Miller has really, really helped me . Her website is very supportive to people who have M's like ours.
I feel understood and affirmed by her work.
It is a whole different approach and for me, gives me a sense of trust in myself , that I lost.
Just a thought. Love Ami
Hi Ami,
I've studied and read Alice Miller for many years. I could proably recite "The Drama of the Gifted Child" as I have referred to it time and time again. I am very happy that her work is helping you as she has helped me much over the years as well.
Really -- these pains and memories I am having are the homestretch as I have spent the last 10 years doing this work of uncovering and healing repressed memories.
For someone to get into infantile and toddler memories, as I am now, it requires a great deal of strenuous effort, as I have been going through this last year, as well as a great deal of pealing away of defenses.
Plumbing the depths as GS is all good and I am really doing well despite the pain.....
you cannot heal what you cannot feel.For instance, I sleep through my nights, I nurture myself in healthy ways, I do not suffer from addictions like I used to, compulsivity is diminishing in many areas. My ways of living and being are actually becoming more peaceful, I am developing and I am OK with my pain.
This layer is just really deep and really stubborn, but like I this time next year I'll be making a victory lap in peace and happiness.
As I said in my top post I am just quiet because I need to reserve my strength for this healing. If people have not been here or gone this far in their own healing it may be hard for them to understand.
Thank you for reaching out to me. I love you Ami and I have followed your progress as well as I wrote some posts to you on your Mother thread.
You have been a wonderful inspiration for me here on VMB, more than you know.