Another thread that has come to an end.
Went to that councelor that agree to see me once for $50.00 and get me started in the program of stress reduction. It was the day of my son graduation recital. I got there very ungry and sad. After one hour of crying, whyning, complaining in front of him, he said:
"Your mother died today. You do not have a mother."
When I protested, he said, why do you still want to be connected to your mother?
I did not know how to answer.
Then we did one meditation session and gave me CDs that by the way they are very good. You really really relax by guided meditation. And since I am a beguiner, I cannot do anything but guided.
Then he gave me the refference of another place where they can help me regularly for $25.00 which is affordable for me. I called them and they will see me on june 24.
Then he gave me an e mail of a meditation instructor who works with groups for a donation. That is on Mondays and I started yesterday. I liked it a lot.
When I left his office I was smiling for the first time in a long long time. I enjoyed my son's concert. For the first time the constant pain stopped for a few hours.
My son got many applauses and when he finished playing he said that his mother was the bigest inspiration for him and pointed towards me. Everybody yelled and applauded. I was about to cry, but felt so good that I did not.
This thread has come to an end too. GF broke up with my son. What a coincidence that I do not have a job and my son does not have a girlfriend. But, he does not know what kind of a problem he has gotten rid off.
He is devastated, but I believe that he is better with out her. She is transfering from a community college to the University where my son is going to strat his PHD. He went from a bachelor degree to a PHD program. He is only 22 and got a job in research at the cancer hospital, pays very little but it will look great in his resume. She thinks that she is going to have a thousand men lining up to court her at the university, or so I think. She has no idea how difficult is to get a good man, devoted to Christ, with a clear mind and honest, plus, college graduated, entering a PHD.
When my son lost his car, problems strated. She hadto drive instead of him, and she does not like to do things for others, she acostumed to being served since her mother does everything for her.
I am a little sad, my son blames me a little for the problem, but I was only part of the problem not the problem.
In the long run, this is good for him. I pray everyday that he finds a woman hones, woth clear mind, centered, who has insight and a good education, and faith in God, and For Crist Sakes, Somebody who wants to be friends with me!
Although I have hopes that they do not get back together, it is probable that they will. But he will know that she is capable to cut him off at her convenience, everytime that she things she can get something better, hopefully, at this point he has found out that they are not right ofr each other.
I told him, next time, do not introduce her to me until you have a serious relationship with prospective marriage, I do not want to be involved in the drama od poppy love. It made me very stressed. And the GFM almost killed me.